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Dialysis world news

Fresenius changes its labeling on its Naturalyte and Granuflo dialysate concentrates to reflect total base content. PDF Print
FMC: Fresenius Medical Care North America (FMCNA) announced today that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified FMCNA’s voluntary action to change the labeling on its dialysate products as a Class 1 recall. In conjunction with this classification, and to further reinforce the importance of correct dialysate dosing, FMCNA will continue its process to place updated labels on its NaturaLyte and GranuFlo Acid Concentrate products, and to update its hemodialysis machine operator’s manuals. To date, FMCNA has notified more than 90 percent of its customers of these two labeling updates, and will continue with that effort until it is complete. The FDA’s action does not involve the removal of any FMCNA products from the marketplace.


Abuja to get dialysis unit - The Guardian Nigeria PDF Print
The Guardian Nigeria
DETERMINED to actualise the dream of making Abuja the hub of the best medical centres in the West African sub-region, the Federal Capital Territory


Beyond the Abstract - Surgical management of large renal tumors, by Srinivas ... - UroToday PDF Print

Beyond the Abstract - Surgical management of large renal tumors, by Srinivas ...
Beyond the Abstract - Surgical management of large renal tumors, by Srinivas Vourganti, Brian Shuch, and Gennady Bratslavsk.


Beyond the Abstract - Surgical management of large renal tumors ... - UroToday PDF Print

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Curtorim MLA slams govt for bad community health centre in ... - Times of India PDF Print

MARGAO: Curtorim MLA Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco on Wednesday hit out at the government for allegedly intentionally neglecting the dialysis unit of community health centres to ensure that patients would be redirected to the private health lobby.

It may be recalled that when Parsekar visited the Canacona CHC on Monday, he was confronted by a doctor, Venkatesh R, who is in charge of the dialysis unit, over the poor conditions and lack of support from the government. Venkatesh even accused newly-appointed director of health services, Dr Sanjeev Dalvi, of stopping the supply of life-saving drugs needed by a patient while undergoing dialysis. He had further pointed out that there was no ICU facility and no arrangements for oxygen in case of an emergency, and coupled with power fluctuations, that could put the lives of patients at risk. Parsekar had then refuted allegations and questioned Venkatesh for not having reported the matter to him earlier.

Lourenco, while addressing mediapersons in Margao on Wednesday, claimed that when he was a Zilla panchayat (ZP) member, the Canacona ZP members were with him and he had special concern for the people of Canacona. He however bemoaned the fact that a large number of patients suffering from kidney problems were being shifted to Margao to avail of better health care. "Even in Goa Medical College ( GMC), a premier health research institute, many patients who are in need of dialysis treatment are referred to privately-run hospitals," he said, while alleging that the government was supporting the private health lobby.

Lourenco criticized Parsekar for failing to give assurances on improving the Canacona CHC and alleged that the patients themselves were complaining of lack of supply of medicines.

"When Parrikar was in the opposition, he was shouting from the rooftops to depute more doctors to Canacona CHC. Why has he not done anything about his own demand even after his own government has completed 100 days in office," Lourenco wanted to know.


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