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Trialists: Will Interventional Tx Tame BP? - MedPage Today PDF Print
By Chris Kaiser, Cardiology Editor, MedPage Today

With half a decade of treatment-resistant hypertension behind him, Cincinnati pediatrician Bill Thistlethwaite, 64, enrolled in a clinical trial evaluating renal nerve ablation as a way to curtail his high blood pressure.

It's been about a month since the minimally invasive procedure, and Thistlethwaite has not seen a significant drop in blood pressure, Dean Kereiakes, MD, a co-principal investigator of the trial at Cincinnati's Christ Hospital Heart and Vascular Center in Cincinnati told MedPage Today.

That doesn't necessarily mean the treatment isn't working because Thistlethwaite could be in the sham treatment arm of the randomized single-blind Symplicity HTN-3 pivotal trial.

In addition, previous studies have shown that initial nonresponders to the therapy can have a delayed response, generally defined as a reduction in systolic blood pressure of 10 mmHg or more.

In the nonrandomized Symplicity HTN-1 trial, the percentage of responders increased over time, reported Paul A. Sobotka, MD, from Ohio State University in Columbus, at the 2012 American College of Cardiology meeting. At 1 month, 69% of 143 patients responded; at 12 months, it was 79% of 130 patients; at 2 years, it was 90% of 59 patients; and at 3 years, 100% of 24 patients followed for 36 months responded.

The Symplicity HTN-3 trial will enroll more than 500 patients from 90 sites in a 2:1 ratio to bilateral renal artery denervation or a sham treatment. Only patients with arteries at least 3 mm in diameter and at least 20 mm in length will be enrolled and patients with multiple renal arteries are excluded.

When Enough is Enough

When Thistlethwaite was first referred to The Christ Hospital, Kereiakes made several attempts to get his blood pressure under control, but without success. Thistlethwaite then agreed to participate in the trial.

"One thing I like about this trial is that patients in the control arm can cross over at 6 months to treatment if they qualify," Kereiakes said. "It will require another procedure, but that is the only option we have in the U.S. right now."

The Symplicity Renal Denervation radiofrequency (RF) single-electrode probe from Medtronic, which is sponsoring the trial, is currently not approved for use in the U.S.

The procedure involves threading a catheter through the groin to the renal arteries. Radiofrequency energy is applied to disrupt the sympathetic nerve pathways that lie within the renal artery walls. The procedure generally takes under an hour to complete and patients could feasibly go home afterwards, but for the trial they are required to spend the night in the hospital.

Although Thistlethwaite was the first patient to be enrolled in the trial at Cincinnati center, he was among 100-plus patients screened for enrollment.

"The bar has been set very high for inclusion," Kereiakes said. "Patients must have a documented systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg or greater for three measurements on the first screening. Their uncontrolled blood pressure must then be confirmed on 24-hour ambulatory monitoring."

In addition, patients must be taking at least three antihypertensive medications, with one being a diuretic, and they must achieve their blood pressure inclusion criteria on the maximum tolerated dose. Reasons for not achieving it on the maximum tolerated dose must be documented, Kereiakes said.

"It can be frustrating sometimes," he said, "because patients miss the mark in one screening with a reading of 155 mmHg and they're on five blood pressure medications, but they can't get into the trial."

Personally, Kereiakes would have set the limit at 150 mmHg, which would have enabled more people to potentially get treatment. "Even a 10-point drop from 150 to 140 mmHg translates into a 30% relative reduction in the risk of stroke over a decade," he said.

"We face a dilemma," he said. "Do we leave these patients on their five medications or do we scale back on a few drugs so their pressure goes up temporarily and they qualify for the trial?"

Thislethwaite has the advantage of being a clinician as well as a patient, so MedPage Today,asked him about cutting back on medications to qualify for the trial. If it were his decision, Thistlethwaite said he would take a patient off one or two drugs to assure eligibility.

"That's a powerful statement made by a physician-patient," Kereiakes said. "In a way, he has the patients' best long-term interest at heart."

Where It All Began

About 10 years ago, Thistlethwaite said he began to have some issues with type 2 diabetes and he had a stent implanted for unstable angina.

It's only been in the last 5 years that his internist has prescribed more and more blood pressure medication to bring his BP under better control. He has not, however, had any of the typical symptoms associated with high blood pressure, such as shortness of breath with exertion or headaches, "which is not uncommon," Kereiakes said. "After all, hypertension is called the silent killer."

In the Symplicity HTN-3 trial, the goal is not to see how many medications patients can eliminate. In fact, medications are to be kept the same unless a patient's blood pressure falls too low, at which point either the dose can be reduced or a medication stopped.

The biggest complication risk during renal artery denervation is injury to the renal artery, such as dissection or a tear, Kereiakes said. Vascular access site bleeds are a risk, as is renal artery stenosis, "which hasn't materialized in studies following patients for 2 years," he said.

Other denervation systems being tested include multi-electrode RF probes, balloon catheter RF probes, and probes that use ultrasonic energy. There also is research into using drugs that seep into the renal arterial wall where they have a neurotoxic effect.

After 6 months of active enrollment, the trial has nearly 50 people enrolled, three of them at Christ Hospital. Kereiakes expects end up with between five and ten patients, "which is like giving birth to barbed wire," he said referring to the slow enrollment relative to the number of patients screened.

The Symplicity HTN-3 trial is sponsored by Medtronic.

Kereiakes reported receiving research and grant support from Medtronic.

From the American Heart Association:

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Chris Kaiser

Cardiology Editor

Chris has written and edited for medical publications for more than 15 years. As the news editor for a United Business Media journal, he was awarded Best News Section. He has a B.A. from La Salle University and an M.A. from Villanova University. Chris is based outside of Philadelphia and is also involved with the theater as a writer, director, and occasional actor.

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A woman who endured two decades of kidney dialysis has died after stopping the treatment which could have kept her alive for another 10 years.

Sandra Dewar, 36, died from renal failure last Friday after making the decision to end all medical treatment.

The care worker from Perth kept the decision secret from her friends and family for days so they could not try to change her mind.

Sandra, who spent much of the last year in hospital, was warned by doctors there was little chance that she would get home after turning dialysis off.

Sandra, who in 2008 received a kidney transplant which her body rejected, passed away at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.

Paying tribute to his sister, her younger brother William said Sandra was a great daughter, sister and aunt who loved fashion, make up, and going out dancing with friends.

The 31-year-old said parents Jeanette and James, stepfather Freddie and sister Jeanette, 35, were still trying to come to terms with their loss.

He said: "She could have lived up to another 10 years on the dialysis but we would have suffered a great deal. Obviously we were very upset when we found out as we didn't want to lose her but we all respected her decision and knew we would not be able to change her mind. It helps to know she is now at peace and there will be no more needles or operations. She battled bravely, for a long time and will never be forgotten."

Sandra was diagnosed with a life-threatening kidney disorder at just 13. She completed her education at Perth High School and began work at a care home.

At 19 she began dialysis but when her health started to deteriorate she was forced to give up her job as a care worker.

She underwent a kidney transplant in 2008, but unfortunately her body rejected its new organ.

A funeral service was held for Sandra at Perth Crematorium on Friday.

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Renal Dialysis Equipment Market to 2017- Lower Costs and Similar Efficacy ... - Manufacturing Digital (press release) PDF Print

NEW YORK, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Renal Dialysis Equipment Market to 2017- Lower Costs and Similar Efficacy Rates as Hemodialysis to Increase Adoption Rates of Peritoneal Dialysis


Renal Dialysis Equipment Market to 2017- Lower Costs and Similar Efficacy Rates as Hemodialysis to Increase Adoption Rates of Peritoneal Dialysis


GBI Research's report, "Renal Dialysis Equipment Market to 2017- Lower Costs and Similar Efficacy Rates as Hemodialysis to Increase Adoption Rates of Peritoneal Dialysis" shows rapid growth in the number of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients owing to the growing prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and an increasingly large elderly population are driving the market globally. Factors such as the improving standards of living in developing economies and longer life expectancies of dialysis patients, due to improved access to healthcare services are also expected to boost the market. The report provides key data, information and analysis on the global renal dialysis equipment market, covering the market landscape, competitive landscape and market trends relating to four renal dialysis equipment market categories: dialysis accessories, continuous renal replacement therapy machines, peritoneal dialysis solutions and hemodialysis machines. Providing comprehensive information on the key trends affecting these categories, and key analytical content on the market dynamics, the report also reviews the competitive landscape and gives a detailed analysis of the pipeline products in each category. Details of important merger and acquisition deals that have taken place in the renal dialysis equipment market are also reviewed. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GBI Research's team of industry experts.


- Key geographies: the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, India, Australia, and Brazil.

- Market size for four renal dialysis equipment market categories: dialysis accessories, continuous renal replacement therapy machines, peritoneal dialysis solutions and hemodialysis machines.

- Annualized market revenues data for 2003–2010, and forecasts for 2010–2017.

- Qualitative analysis of key market trends, market drivers, and restraints by each category within the renal dialysis equipment market.

- The report also covers information on the leading companies currently operating in the market, the competitive landscape, and the leading technologies.

Reasons to buy

- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends and developments that are driving the renal dialysis equipment market.

- Design and develop your product development, marketing and sales strategies.

- Capitalize on M&A opportunities by identifying key companies with the most innovative pipeline.

- Develop market entry and market expansion strategies.

- Identify the key companies that are best positioned to take advantage of emerging market opportunities.

- Exploit in-licensing and out-licensing opportunities by identifying the products most likely to ensure a robust return.

- Identify, understand and capitalize on the next big thing in the renal dialysis equipment market landscape

- Make more informed business decisions from the insightful and in-depth analysis of the renal dialysis equipment market and the factors shaping it.


1 Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents 4

1.1 List of Tables 6

1.2 List of Figures 7

2 Introduction 8

2.1 GBI Research Guidance 8

3 Renal Dialysis Equipment - Overview 9

3.1 Renal Dialysis Equipment 9

3.1.1 Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Machines 9

3.1.2 Dialysis Accessories 9

3.1.3 Hemodialysis Machines 9

3.1.4 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions 9

4 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global - Market Characterization 10

4.1 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003 - 2010 10

4.2 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 11

4.3 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Company Share (%), 2010 12

4.4 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Market Trends 13

4.4.1 Peritoneal Dialysis to be Preferred over Hemodialysis in the Near Future 13

4.4.2 Rising Trend of Integrating Product Manufacturers and Service Providers 13

4.4.3 Wearable Artificial Kidney – an Upcoming Technology Trend 13

4.5 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Market Dynamics 14

4.5.1 Market Drivers 14

4.5.2 Market Restraints 15

5 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global - Category Analysis and Forecasts 16

5.1 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Global 17

5.2 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Dialysis Accessories, Global 19

5.2.1 Dialysis Accessories, Market Driver 21

5.2.2 Dialysis Accessories, Market Restraint 21

5.3 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Hemodialysis, Global 22

5.3.1 Hemodialysis Machines, Market Driver 24

5.3.2 Hemodialysis Machines, Market Restraint 24

5.4 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions, Global 25

5.4.1 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions, Market Driver 27

5.4.2 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions, Market Restraints 27

6 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global - Country Analysis and Forecasts 28

6.1 Renal Dialysis Equipment, The US, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 29

6.2 Renal Dialysis Equipment, The US, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 30

6.3 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Canada, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 31

6.4 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Canada, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 32

6.5 Renal Dialysis Equipment, The UK, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 33

6.6 Renal Dialysis Equipment, The UK, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 34

6.7 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Germany, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 35

6.8 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Germany, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 36

6.9 Renal Dialysis Equipment, France, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 37

6.10 Renal Dialysis Equipment, France, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 38

6.11 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Italy, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 39

6.12 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Italy, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 40

6.13 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Spain, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 41

6.14 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Spain, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 42

6.15 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Brazil, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 43

6.16 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Brazil, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 44

6.17 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Australia, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 45

6.18 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Australia, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 46

6.19 Renal Dialysis Equipment, China, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 47

6.20 Renal Dialysis Equipment, China, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 48

6.21 Renal Dialysis Equipment, India, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 49

6.22 Renal Dialysis Equipment, India, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 50

6.23 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 51

6.24 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 52

7 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global - Future Outlook 53

7.1 Epidemiology 53

7.2 Disease Burden 53

7.3 Costs 53

7.4 Peritoneal Dialysis versus Hemodialysis 54

8 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global - Competitive Assessment 55

8.1 Renal Dialysis Equipment Market, Opportunities and Threats 55

8.2 Renal Dialysis Equipment Market, Key Market Participants 56

8.2.1 Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA 56

8.2.2 Baxter International Inc. 59

8.2.3 Gambro AB 60

8.2.4 Nipro Corporation 62

8.2.5 B. Braun Melsungen AG 63

9 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global - Product Pipeline Analysis 65

9.1 Profiles of Key Products Under Clinical Development 68

9.1.1 Theralite 68

9.1.2 Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Cycler – Next Generation 68

9.1.3 Home Hemodialysis System 69

9.1.4 AK 200 Ultra S 70

9.1.5 Artis System 70

9.1.6 OLpur MD 220 70

9.1.7 Wearable Artificial Kidney 71

10 Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global - Consolidation Landscape 74

10.1 Key Deals - Mergers and Acquisitions 75

10.1.1 Fresenius Medical Care Acquires Hema Metrics Crit-Line system business 75

10.1.2 Fresenius Medical Care Acquires Peritoneal Dialysis Business from Gambro 75

10.1.3 Fresenius Medical Acquires Renal Solutions 75

10.1.4 NxStage Medical Acquires Medisystems 75

10.1.5 Gambro Acquires Hemapure 76

10.2 Key Deals – Partnerships 76

10.2.1 Fresenius Medical Care Enters into an Agreement with Nikkiso 76

10.2.2 NxStage Signs Distribution Agreement with Spindial for System One 76

10.2.3 Interface Biologics Signs Exclusive License Option Agreement with Fresenius Medical Care 77

10.2.4 Gambro Enters into an Agreement with Debiotech 77

10.3 Key Deals – Private Equity/Venture Capital 77

10.3.1 EQT and Investor AB Acquires Gambro through Indap 77

11 Appendix 78

11.1 Definitions 78

11.1.1 Renal Dialysis Equipment 78

11.1.2 Hemodialysis Machines 78

11.1.3 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions 78

11.1.4 Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Machines 78

11.1.5 Dialysis Accessories 78

11.2 Acronyms 79

11.3 Sources 80

11.4 Research Methodology 81

11.4.1 Secondary Research 81

11.4.2 Primary Research 81

11.4.3 Models 82

11.4.4 Forecasts 82

11.4.5 Expert Panels 82

11.5 Contact Us 82

11.6 Disclaimer 83


1.1 List of Tables

Table 1: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 10

Table 2: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 11

Table 3: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Company Revenue ($m), 2010 12

Table 4: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 17

Table 5: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010-2007 18

Table 6: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Dialysis Accessories, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 19

Table 7: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Dialysis Accessories, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 20

Table 8: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Hemodialysis, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 22

Table 9: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Hemodialysis, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 23

Table 10: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 25

Table 11: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 26

Table 12: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The US, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 29

Table 13: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The US, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 30

Table 14: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Canada, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 31

Table 15: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Canada, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 32

Table 16: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The UK, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 33

Table 17: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The UK, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 34

Table 18: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Germany, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 35

Table 19: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Germany, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 36

Table 20: Renal Dialysis Equipment, France, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 37

Table 21: Renal Dialysis Equipment, France, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 38

Table 22: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Italy, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 39

Table 23: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Italy, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 40

Table 24: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Spain, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 41

Table 25: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Spain, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 42

Table 26: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Brazil, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 43

Table 27: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Brazil, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 44

Table 28: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Australia, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 45

Table 29: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Australia, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 46

Table 30: Renal Dialysis Equipment, China, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 47

Table 31: Renal Dialysis Equipment, China, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 48

Table 32: Renal Dialysis Equipment, India, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 49

Table 33: Renal Dialysis Equipment, India, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 50

Table 34: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2003-2010 51

Table 35: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2010-2017 52

Table 36: Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA, Key Marketed Products, 2011 57

Table 37: Baxter International Inc., Key Marketed Products, 2011 59

Table 38: Gambro AB, Key Marketed Products, 2011 61

Table 39: Nipro Corporation, Key Marketed Products, 2011 62

Table 40: B. Braun Melsungen AG, Key Marketed Products, 2011 63

Table 41: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Product Pipeline Analysis 65

Table 42: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global Pipeline Products, 2011- Table-1 66

Table 43: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global Pipeline Products, 2011- Table-2 67

Table 44: Theralite, Product Status, 2011 68

Table 45: Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Cycler - Next Generation, Product Status, 2011 68

Table 46: Home Hemodialysis System, Product Status, 2011 69

Table 47: Home Hemodialysis System 69

Table 48: AK 200 Ultra S, Product Status, 2011 70

Table 49: Artis System, Product Status, 2011 70

Table 50: OLpur MD 220, Product Status, 2011 71

Table 51: OLpur MD 220, Clinical Trial, 2011 71

Table 52: Wearable Artificial Kidney, Product Status, 2011 72

Table 53: Wearable Artificial Kidney, Clinical Trial, 2011 73

Table 54: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global: Consolidation Landscape 74


1.2 List of Figures

Figure 1: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 10

Figure 2: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 11

Figure 3: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Company Share (%), 2010 12

Figure 4: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Category Analysis and Forecasts 16

Figure 5: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 17

Figure 6: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010–2007 18

Figure 7: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Dialysis Accessories, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 19

Figure 8: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Dialysis Accessories, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 20

Figure 9: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Hemodialysis, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 22

Figure 10: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Hemodialysis, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 23

Figure 11: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions, Global, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 25

Figure 12: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions, Global, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 26

Figure 13: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Country Analysis and Forecasts, 2003–2017 28

Figure 14: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The US, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 29

Figure 15: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The US, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 30

Figure 16: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Canada, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 31

Figure 17: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Canada, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 32

Figure 18: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The UK, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 33

Figure 19: Renal Dialysis Equipment, The UK, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 34

Figure 20: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Germany, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 35

Figure 21: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Germany, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 36

Figure 22: Renal Dialysis Equipment, France, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 37

Figure 23: Renal Dialysis Equipment, France, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 38

Figure 24: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Italy, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 39

Figure 25: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Italy, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 40

Figure 26: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Spain, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 41

Figure 27: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Spain, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 42

Figure 28: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Brazil, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 43

Figure 29: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Brazil, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 44

Figure 30: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Australia, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 45

Figure 31: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Australia, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 46

Figure 32: Renal Dialysis Equipment, China, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 47

Figure 33: Renal Dialysis Equipment, China, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 48

Figure 34: Renal Dialysis Equipment, India, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 49

Figure 35: Renal Dialysis Equipment, India, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 50

Figure 36: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2003–2010 51

Figure 37: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2010–2017 52

Figure 38: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Company Share (%), 2010 55

Figure 39: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global, Product Pipeline Analysis 65

Figure 40: Renal Dialysis Equipment, Global: Consolidation Landscape 2007–2011* 74


Companies mentioned

Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA
Baxter International Inc.
Gambro AB
Nipro Corporation
B. Braun Melsungen AG

To order this report:Medical Devices Industry:Renal Dialysis Equipment Market to 2017- Lower Costs and Similar Efficacy Rates as Hemodialysis to Increase Adoption Rates of Peritoneal Dialysis

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SOURCE Reportlinker


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Selangor Times
The fully-equipped dialysis centre, which had been set up in an MPSJ hall, had been in limbo for nearly a year for not meeting new regulations under the Private Health Care Facilities and Services Act 2008. “We understand that the machines are already


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