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Liberty Dialysis natural gas explosion destroys 'heart of clinic' - Waxahachie Daily Light
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Liberty Dialysis natural gas explosion destroys 'heart of clinic'

Liberty Dialysis natural gas explosion destroys 'heart of clinic'

The back of Liberty Dialysis on U.S. Highway 77 was rocked by an explosion early Tuesday morning. The cause was a natural gas leak, said Waxahachie Fire Chief Ricky Boyd.


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Posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 8:41 am | Updated: 7:28 pm, Tue Jul 21, 2015.

A natural gas leak caused an early morning explosion at Liberty Dialysis in Waxahachie off U.S. Highway 77 behind Dickey's Barbecue Pit, said Waxahachie Fire Chief Ricky Boyd at the scene.

“You can see the back wall is basically all blown off, so it was quite an explosion,” Boyd said. “We're very fortunate that nobody was in the back of the building when it happened. I've seen explosions before, and this is pretty big.”

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UF Health Shands No. 2 in Florida in U.S. News rankings | Gainesville.com - Gainesville Sun

The news organization ranked UF Health Shands as the second best overall hospital in the state, behind Florida Hospital Orlando. That was a one-slot improvement from 2014.

Nationally, UF Health Shands ranked in the top 50 in seven specialties: nephrology (13), diabetes and endocrinology (28), pulmonology (29), urology (37), neurology and neurosurgery (40), cardiology and heart surgery (42) and cancer (46).

That showing was an improvement from 2014, when the hospital ranked in the top 50 nationally in three specialties: nephrology (25), cardiology and heart surgery ( 41) and pulmonology (47).

UF Health Shands Chief Executive Officer Ed Jimenez said the significant year-to-year strides in nephrology, diabetes and endocrinology, pulmonology, urology and cancer are the results of several years of efforts to recruit and hire experienced and skilled physicians, nurses and staff.

“You have to build things over time,” Jimenez said. “You hire people. They need to see patients and those patients have to have good outcomes. Other doctors have to hear about it and send you more patients.”

Jimenez said he felt an interesting side story to the hospital’s high ranking in nephrology -- 13th nationally in the treatment of kidney problems -- was the fact that it came in the year marking the 50th anniversary of the invention of Gatorade. Gatorade inventor Dr. Robert Cade was a University of Florida nephrologist.

Shands was also rated “high performing” in five specialties where the hospital did not achieve a top 50 national ranking: gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery, geriatrics, gynecology, orthopedics, and ear, nose and throat.

Jimenez pointed to gastroenterology as a specialty where he feels the hospital is moving to a national ranking. He said the hospital has a “world renowned” gastroenterologist in UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute Director Dr. David Nelson and is working to surround him with additional experienced, skilled physicians and researchers to boost the department’s national profile.

This area’s other hospitals -- North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville and Ocala Regional Medical Center and Munroe Regional in Ocala -- were not nationally ranked in any specialty or among the top hospitals in the state.

The annual U.S. News and World Report rankings look at performance-related data, including death rates for patients and other patient safety information. An annual survey asking doctors which hospitals they consider the best in a specialty area is also factored in.


iPS cells effective in easing renal failure - The Japan News - The Japan News

Jiji PressKYOTO (Jiji Press) — A group of researchers has succeeded in containing the symptoms of acute renal failure in mice by transplanting renal precursor cells made from human induced pluripotent stem, or iPS, cells, into the animals.

The achievement by the team of scientists from entities including Kyoto University’s Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, or CiRA, and Astellas Pharma Inc. was published in the online edition of U.S. science journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine on Tuesday. This method could also be effective in easing acute renal failure in human patients, according to the team.

In acute renal failure, the functions of kidneys deteriorate rapidly, in several hours to several days, due to a lack of blood or side effects of drugs. In Japan, about 5 percent of inpatients develop acute renal failure, and more than half of them die. Even survivors’ kidneys can be seriously damaged, and their disease can become chronic.Speech


iPS cells effective in easing renal failure - The Japan News

Jiji PressKYOTO (Jiji Press) — A group of researchers has succeeded in containing the symptoms of acute renal failure in mice by transplanting renal precursor cells made from human induced pluripotent stem, or iPS, cells, into the animals.

The achievement by the team of scientists from entities including Kyoto University’s Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, or CiRA, and Astellas Pharma Inc. was published in the online edition of U.S. science journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine on Tuesday. This method could also be effective in easing acute renal failure in human patients, according to the team.

In acute renal failure, the functions of kidneys deteriorate rapidly, in several hours to several days, due to a lack of blood or side effects of drugs. In Japan, about 5 percent of inpatients develop acute renal failure, and more than half of them die. Even survivors’ kidneys can be seriously damaged, and their disease can become chronic.Speech


DSI Renal Expands Presence in Georgia with New Clinic in Social Circle ... - GlobeNewswire (press release)

SOCIAL CIRCLE, Ga., July 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DSI Renal, a leading provider of dialysis services for patients suffering from chronic kidney failure, will hold a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony at its brand new dialysis clinic in Social Circle, Georgia, on July 23rd at 5:00pm.

The Mayor of Social Circle, Hal Dally, is scheduled to participate in the official ribbon cutting. "It is my pleasure to officially welcome DSI to the city of Social Circle and show my appreciation for choosing our city as the location for their newest clinic."  Said Mayor Dally.  "The addition of the new clinic will further compliment the city's current medical facilities while providing a great opportunity to better serve area residents with accessible dialysis care." Along with Mayor Dally, physicians of Eastside Premier Nephrology, DSI's clinic staff and members of DSI's Executive leadership team will also be in attendance.

"We have an important responsibility to our patients to provide access to the high-quality and compassionate care they depend on, right within their community." Said Ekundayo Falase, M.D., Medical Director, DSI Social Circle.  "Opening up this brand new dialysis facility in Social Circle, helps us to deliver on that."

The new state-of-the art facility opening follows a recent acquisition of 5 dialysis clinics in the Macon area, bringing the total number of DSI clinics in Georgia to 17.  DSI Social Circle offers in-center hemodialysis as well as home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis (PD) treatment options.  The patient-centered design features thoughtful amenities to ensure a comfortable dialysis experience.

"This new location is just another step towards helping those suffering from ESRD have convenient access to the life-sustaining treatment they need." Said Craig Goguen, President and Chief Operating Officer, DSI Renal.  "Expanding our services to provide care where our patients live significantly reduces travel time to and from treatments and further proves our commitment to improving the quality of life for our patients."

Members of the community and news media are invited to attend the grand opening ceremony at DSI Social Circle, located at 1032 Bateman Dr Social Circle, GA.  A free open house is scheduled from 4:00pm-7:00pm, with the official ribbon cutting taking place at 5:00pm.  Clinic staff will be available to answer questions and provide tours of the facility.
About DSI Renal

DSI Renal (formed as Dialysis Newco, Inc.) is a leading provider of dialysis services in the United States, offering state-of-the-art treatment for patients suffering from chronic kidney failure and renal disease.  Together with its physician partners, DSI Renal owns and operates 100 dialysis clinics in 22 states.  The company plans for growth through acquisition and development of new clinics as well as through establishment of additional joint venture partnerships with leading nephrologists for the clinic, hospital and alternate settings.  For more information, please visit www.dsi-corp.com.

Corporate Contact:
Sarah Ferry - DSI Renal
(615) 777-8200

Clinic  Contact:
Michelle Walters - Clinic Manager
(770) 464-4470


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