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Dialysis world news

Medicare's refusal to pay could end Sutter heart transplants - Sacramento Bee

By Carrie Peyton Dahlberg In a move that could kill the region's only heart transplant program, federal Medicare officials have notified Sutter Memorial ...

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First US face transplant - ITV.com

A team of US doctors has performed a near-total face transplant at a hospital in Ohio. It was the first operation of its kind performed in the United States ...

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British doctors vow to carry out full-face transplant within a year - Glasgow Daily Record

A BRITISH medical team have vowed to complete the world's first full face transplant within a year. Lead surgeon Dr Peter Butler, of London's Royal Free ...

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Algérie - A quand un registre national ? - Algerie-Monde.com

Des ateliers portant sur l’hémodialyse, la dialyse péritonéale, la nutrition, les complications de l’IRC, la prévention et la prise en charge des maladies ...

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Solidaridad de N. Bergen a México por niña enferma (El Nuevo)

sus 10 años de edad, Priscilla Molinet, sueña con un día llegar a ser bióloga marina. Pero para que nada se interponga entre ella y su sueño, Priscilla debe batallar diariamente por su vida.

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