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Liberty Dialysis natural gas explosion destroys 'heart of clinic' - Waxahachie ... - Waxahachie Daily Light |
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![]() Liberty Dialysis natural gas explosion destroys 'heart of clinic'The back of Liberty Dialysis on U.S. Highway 77 was rocked by an explosion early Tuesday morning. The cause was a natural gas leak, said Waxahachie Fire Chief Ricky Boyd. Location', maxWidth: 250 });,this); }); } }, renderMapPins: function(){ var autoZoom = false; setTimeout(function(){ googleMapstorylocation.geocoder.geocode( googleMapstorylocation.points[0], function(point){ if((typeof(point)!="undefined") && (point != null)){ googleMapstorylocation.foundPoint.push(point); if(typeof(point[0])!="undefined"){[0].geometry.viewport); googleMapstorylocation.createMarker(,point[0].geometry.location,0,false,""); if(autoZoom){ if(typeof(ninjaLog)!="undefined"){ninjaLog.Update({text:"AutoZooming Map"});}[0].geometry.location)); } } } } ); }, 0000); if( > 13){ if(typeof(ninjaLog)!="undefined"){ninjaLog.Update({text:"StaticZooming Map"});}; } } } var fetchedMap = false; jQuery(function(){ thisMap = jQuery("#blox-map-story-location"); try{ if(typeof(googleMapstorylocation)=="object"){ if(ninja){ninjaLog.Update({text:"Setting up googleMapstorylocation"});} googleMapstorylocation.mapPanel = document.getElementById("blox-map-story-location"); googleMapstorylocation.bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); googleMapstorylocation.points = new Array( { address: "", location: new google.maps.LatLng(32.414639,-96.842415) } ); if(!fetchedMap){ googleMapstorylocation.getMap(); fetchedMap = true; } }else{ if(ninja){ninjaLog.Update({text:"googleMap is undefined"});} } } catch(e){ alert(e.message) } }); }else{console.log('\nGoogle is not defined for map display.\n')}// end google defined checkPosted: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 8:41 am | Updated: 7:28 pm, Tue Jul 21, 2015. A natural gas leak caused an early morning explosion at Liberty Dialysis in Waxahachie off U.S. Highway 77 behind Dickey's Barbecue Pit, said Waxahachie Fire Chief Ricky Boyd at the scene. “You can see the back wall is basically all blown off, so it was quite an explosion,” Boyd said. “We're very fortunate that nobody was in the back of the building when it happened. I've seen explosions before, and this is pretty big.” Subscription RequiredAn online service is needed to view this article in its entirety. You need an online service to view this article in its entirety. Have an online subscription? Login NowNeed an online subscription? SubscribeLoginOr, use your linked account: Choose an online service.
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Posted in Ellis county, Waxahachie, Police on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 8:41 am. Updated: 7:28 pm. | Tags: Gas Leak, Area, Canada, Fire, Fire Chief, Republic Bank Trust Company, Ac Power Plugs And Sockets, Ad Hominem, Allen Street, Canada Day, Health_medical_pharma, Ricky Boyd, Cindy Roberts, Business_finance, Dialysis, Possible Natural Gas Leak, U.s. Highway, Waxahachie Fire Chief, United States, Waxahachie Fire Department, Nurse Manager, Mapable |