Outlook for Hemodialysis Industry in China 2015 Size, Trend, Analysis, and ... - Medgadget.com (blog) PDF Print

ResearchMoz.us include new market research report”Outlook for Hemodialysis Industry in China 2015-2050? to its huge collection of research reports.

In 2013, the market size of global hemodialysis industry reached USD82 billions, of which dialysis products accounted for 19%, dialysis drugs accounted for 11% and dialysis services accounted for 70%.

At present, there is about 1.5-2 millions end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in China, however, only 15% of this patients receiving regular hemodialysis treatment, the number of dialysis patients is kept an annual 10% growth rate. Even so, China’s market size has reached RMB26.3 billions, if all patients receive regular hemodialysis treatment, the market size will over RMB100 billions in the future.

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In this report, ASKCI analyzes the market size of hemodialysis industry, hemodialysis product and segment market, competition status of hemodialysis industry, major hemodialysis companies’ operation, etc. as well as make scientific prediction on the future development hemodialysis industry.

1) The Aim of this report

To provide readers with comprehensive & in-depth understanding of global and China’s hemodialysis industry;
To analyze major suppliers of hemodialysis products in global and China;
To disclose market size of global and China’s hemodialysis industry;
To discuss influence of governmental regulation on medical devices industry;
To analyze import & export situation of dialysis apparatus;
To understand position of China’s hemodialysis industry in the world;
To predict what future of China’s hemodialysis industry will be;
To reveal opportunities in China’s hemodialysis industry.

2) Benefit from the report

Obtain latest info of hemodialysis industry, such as market size, import and export, company’s operation, competition status and so on;
Gain vital business intelligence of global and China’s hemodialysis industry before entering competition;
Keep informed of your competitors/their activities in China;
Learn about key market drivers and factors;
Understand what are key factors and driving forces of hemodialysis industry;
Share this information within your organization using free global intranet license.

Full Report With TOC @ http://www.researchmoz.us/outlook-for-hemodialysis-industry-in-china-2015-2050-report.html


The report will investigate global and China’s hemodialysis industry from the following aspects:

Development status (including patient population, market structure, industry data, etc.)
Hemodialysis industry’s regional structure
Import & export
Market size
Future trend
Key players’ operation situation
Commercial opportunity

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