New dialysis center under construction in Lewiston - Lewiston Morning Tribune (subscription) PDF Print
New dialysis center under construction in Lewiston

New dialysis center under construction in Lewiston

Work continues on a new dialysis center, which will be on 12th Avenue just off of 21st Street in Lewiston.

New dialysis center under construction in Lewiston

New dialysis center under construction in Lewiston

Dr. Ajith Kumar will be the medical director of a new dialysis center in Lewiston.

Posted: Saturday, May 23, 2015 12:00 am

A new dialysis center is being constructed just off Lewiston's 21st Street, which at full capacity will have the ability to serve about 130 patients at 22 stations.

Tri-State Memorial Hospital in Clarkston has also added a fourth time slot at its 12-station center in Clarkston after it closed its 12-station center in Lewiston last summer. That shift runs from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

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