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YOUR STORY:Water problems at new MUHC delay dialysis treatment - CJAD PDF Print

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The new MUHC at the Glen site is still working out its bugs.

A Montreal man found out the hard way when his father was admitted to the Royal Victoria Hospital last week after suffering a heart attack.

Terry Kilakos said he was told by nurses plumbing issues were preventing his 78-year-old father from getting dialysis for the past few days for his failing kidneys.

Kilakos said they moved his father from the ICU to the Cardiac Care Unit and finally to another section of the hospital where the dialysis was supposed to be working.

"We were very concerned when we were told day after day he wasn't getting a dialysis treatment," said Kilakos, who contacted CJAD 800 News at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to express his concerns about the matter.

"If something as critical as dialysis is not available to patients, whether it's in emergency or the ICU or anywhere else in the hospital, lives are threatened."

MUHC spokesman Ian Popple confirmed the water supply problems occurred last week, during the weekend and spilled over into this week but that the company managing the plumbing fixed them today.

"There were some pressure issues, some intermittant water supply issues and some temperature issues in some parts of the hospital," said Popple.

Popple said no lives were put at risk and all patients needing dialysis received it. He insisted this was not a rushed operation before the big move to the Glen Yards site.

"Everything was done according to the plan that was developed," said Popple.

"We've been working through a list of some issues and I think everything is now getting resolved but in some places, we are asking for a certain amount of patience, we're trying to do our best."

Kilakos said it's not acceptable.

"You go into a hospital, you're expecting to get the care that you need," said Kilakos.

"It's something nobody should have to live through."


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