ANNA hands out special awards, grants - PDF Print

Each year, the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association hands out special recognition awards and grants at its annual meeting. Here is a list of those special honors from their 48th national symposium, held in Orlando, Fla. last week.


Association awards

Outstanding Contribution to ANNA: Carol Headley, DNSc, ACNP-BC, RN, CNN

Ron Brady Memorial Award for Excellence in Volunteer Leadership: Barbara Sandy Miholics, RN, CNNe

Clinical Practice Award: Linda Ford, BS, RN, CDN

Nephrology Nurse Educator Award: Kristin Larson, MSN, RN, APN, GNP, CNN

Excellence in Nephrology Nursing Management Award: Camille May, RN, CNN

Nephrology Nurse Researcher Award: Cynthia Russell, PhD, RN, FAAN

Quality Care Award: Donna Buglisi, BSN, RN, CNN


Chapter recognition

Outstanding Chapter Recognition Award: #329 Greater Minnesota                     

Chapter Strategic Collaboration Award: #324 Platte River Chapter  


Chapter STAR Awards

Advocacy: #205 Alamo City

Evidence: #323 Black Swamp

Education: #202 Gtr. Charlotte

Membership: #224 Dogwood

Leadership: #503 Gtr. Puget Sound


Chapter Road to Success Awards

Recruitment and Retention: #210 Caribbean

Associate Member: #240 Memphis Blues

Certified Members: #271 Palm Valley


Chapter Rising STAR Awards

Advocacy: #134 First State

Evidence: #314 Buckeye

Education: #312 Michigan

ANNA Membership: #125 Garden State

Leadership: #268 Tar River

The Helen Feigenbaum Award for the Promotion of Excellence in Nephrology Nursing: Maura McCann, BS, RN, CNN

Chapter Voting Contest: #276 - First Coast (22.22%)


Board of Directors Awards

Mary Schira PhD, RN, ACNP-BC

Representation Award: Sharon Hoffman, BSN, RN, CNN

Research Abstract Award: Loretta Jackson-Brown PhD(c) RN, CNN


Nephrology Nursing Journal/Writing Awards

New Author (ANNA Publication): Jennifer E. Payton, MHCA, BSN, RN, CNN

Education: Cheryl Groenhoff, MBA, MSN, RN, CNN

Research: Patricia Marck, PhD, RN

Clinical: Jean Colaneri, ACNP-BC CNN                    



Research Sharing Award: Caroline Steward, APN, CCRN, CNN

Kelly McManus Memorial Award: Barbara Richelieu, BSN, MA, CNN



ANNA Career Mobility: Karen Joann Gaietto, RN, BSN, MSN, CNN

ANNA Career Mobility: Ellen Zwilling, BS, RN

ANNA Career Mobility: Sarah Stabenow, RN, BSN

ANNA Career Mobility: Eric James Ryan, BSN, RN, CDN

ANNA Career Mobility: Haley Erl, RN

Pamela Balzer Career Mobility: A. Maria Toplosky, RN, BSN, CNN

Angelini Pharma, Inc. Career Mobility: Wendy Lester, BSN, RN, CNN

Janel Parker Career Mobility: Tracy Rodriguez, RN

Dare to Soar Career Mobility: Amy Marthenze, RN, BS

NNCC Career Mobility: Alice Luehr, BA, RN, CNN

NNCC Career Mobility: Kelly Dyar, MSN, RN, CNN

NNCC Career Mobility: Allison Treadwell, NP-C CDE



Gloria Scharf Beedie Memorial Grant: Sara Kennedy, BSN, RN, CNN

NIWI: Linda Takvorian, MSN, RN, CNN

Reseach Grant: Tamara Kear, PhD, RN, CNN

Evidenced-Based Practice Research Grant: Janet Welch, PhD, RN, FAAN

Barbara Prowant Research Grant: Tamara Kear, PhD, RN, CNN


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