'Kidney transplant better option than dialysis for renal failure patients' - Rising Kashmir PDF Print

Rising Kashmir News
Srinagar, April 18: Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan, Surgical Director and Chief Kidney Transplant Surgeon at Fortis Hospital, Mohali today said that in the event of kidney failure or end stage kidney disease the patient has the options to choose from- dialysis or kidney transplantation and the better long term treatment is Kidney transplant.
“If hundred patients start their dialysis today and we follow them up for next ten years approximately 75-80 percent patients will die at the end of 10 years whereas if 100 patients opt for a kidney transplant today, more than 80 percent live beyond 10 years,” he said.
Ranjan explained that the longevity is possible only after a kidney transplant, as every year one-third of patients on dialysis suffer from a vascular access problem, infection, blood pressure disturbances, dialysis disequilibrium syndrome apart from increased incidence of heart attacks and brain strokes.
He added that dialysis worldwide is considered bridge therapy and not treatment of kidney failure. Dialysis should only be used to bridge time gap in patients who have kidney failure and are making arrangements for a kidney transplant.
Elaborating upon the developments, taken place in the field of kidney transplantation, he added that the laws have become more patient friendly. The Government of India has allowed grandparents and grandchildren to be included in the list of donors as well. The Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) of India has also allowed paired kidney exchange or donor swapping amongst two families who have no blood group matching donors, said Dr Ranjan.


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