Health council supports local dialysis operation - Nyngan Observer Print

The Nyngan Health Council is working with the Western NSW Local Health District to review dialysis services in the town.

The Nyngan Health Council is working with the Western NSW Local Health District to review dialysis services in the town.

“The Health Council has been concerned about recent reports in the community about a lack of renal dialysis service in Nyngan but wants to reassure the community that the Health Council has been working with the Local Health District to assess the capacity for future services,” Nyngan Health Service manager, Jenny Griffiths said.

“The District recognises that due to growth in the need for renal services that Nyngan could potentially become a satellite service providing outreach to the surrounding community.

“There is a lot to be done before a service can be developed including sourcing of funding and planning but there is acknowledgement of the need to assess a future service further.

“There has been recognition by the LHD that as it currently operates there is no room for expansion of the existing service.”

“The Nyngan Health Council has been very involved in the review process so far and is focused on continuing to working with the District to ensure that the most appropriate future renal dialysis service is delivered, said Leslie Ryan Nyngan Health Council Chair.

“It’s not as simple as employing additional staff as that will not fix the issue, Leslie said.

“The needs of local dialysis patients are very important to the Health Council and we are actively seeking to put Nyngan at the top of the list in the LHD’s Renal plan for a dialysis unit,” Leslie said

“The Health Council wants to see a long-term and sustainable solution identified that will serve the needs of the Nyngan and surrounding community for years to come.”
