Baxter International Inc. Gets Marketing Approval For Latest Home Dialysis ... - Bidness ETC Print
By: Hannah Ishmael

Published: Apr 2, 2015 at 9:06 am EST

Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX) received marketing approval in Europe for its automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) system called HOMECHOICE CLARIA. The APD device, equipped with SHARESOURCE web-based connectivity platform, offers two-way connectivity which ensures that clinicians can easily monitor the home-based peritoneal dialysis (PD) therapy of their patients and make adjustments to prescriptions accordingly.

PD is a home-based dialysis treatment option available mainly to those patients who are going through the last stage of renal disease.

HOMECHOICE CLARIA integrated with SHARESOURCE will also help to improve practice and time efficiency of healthcare providers by decreasing manual data entry and maintaining patient records that can be easily accessed by the concerned healthcare staff. The HOMECHOICE CLARIA device is also designed with user-friendly interface which is accessible in 41 languages and a large display screen with two-line space for sharp visibility.

CLARIA constitutes an advanced version of Baxter’s top-selling, first-of-its-kind APD device called HOMECHOICE, which has been the only pump-based cycler for dialysis patients since more than a decade. The device is portable, easy-to-use, and is designed to meet the needs of adults and young renal patients alike.

HOMECHOICE was soon followed by HOMECHOICE PRO that enabled doctors to remotely monitor their patients’ treatment with the use of special, custom-based clinical software and a data card which captured information from each dialysis session.

CLARIA builds upon the previous two versions of Baxter’s APD system through integration of SHARESOUCE, which connects doctors and home-based dialysis patients through a web-based connectivity system.

Bruce Culleton, vice president, renal therapeutic area lead at Baxter, said that the CLARIA device “builds upon our market-leading HOMECHOICE APD device with new features to make the system more intuitive for patients to operate in their home and while traveling.”

He further added that the SHARESOURCE system distinguishes CLARIA from the prior versions of HOMECHOICE by providing “physicians remote access to their home patients' treatment information allowing for more timely and personalized care.”

Baxter expects to begin launch of the HOMECHOICE CLARIA device by the first half of 2015 in certain Asian and European countries.

Jill Schaaf, president of Baxter's renal business, highlighted the company’s commitment to increasing life expectancy and quality of life for renal patients, saying: "Every patient with end-stage renal disease deserves access to individualized care. HOMECHOICE CLARIA with SHARESOURCE represents Baxter's continued commitment to advancing renal technology that offers healthcare providers and patients therapy options for end-stage renal disease."

The announcement of CE marking (approval for market launch in Europe) completion for HOMCHOICE CLARIA caused the share price of Baxter to reach the highest point at $68.31 apiece in yesterday’s trading session, up from $68.20 per share. Baxter stock closed at $67.54 per share yesterday.
