April 2015 Political Preview - The Elsberry Democrat Print

Posted on Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 10:19 am


Elsberry Special Road District

Larry Wheeler, 57, Elsberry, Equipment Salesman, Mordt Tractor.
Political background: Commissioner ESRD for past two terms (three years) with being president past two years. Committee chairman for Freled of NRA (Eastern Mo. chapter).
Reason for Seeking Election: Oversee the ESRD annual budget, keep accountability of maintenance of right of ways, roads, culverts, bridges and other issues that arise.
Other comments: As board president for the past two years, I’ve overseen each meeting with respect and made sure that all visitors have had an opportunity to express their concerns. This is something that needs to continue. Also ESRD Commissions have done a good job of spending the money wisely. Presently there is approximately 30 miles (CHP, seal, asphalt) of road miles of (CHP, seal, asphalt) roads. Under my rein the board created a five year program to perform maintenance to seal these roads to assure that the investment was protected. This program will be completed within three years. Leaving the board to focus on right of ways’s things that need updates whether it be culvert pipes, clearing of brush and general maintenance issues. The district has also been able to save funds for equipment updates. At present the District owns and maintains two dump trucks, two graders, one backhoe and two pickup trucks. This money has been set aside for any major breakdown or replacement of this equipment or any major road repair whether it is bridge, box culvert repair or replacement.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? At present there are numerous low weight rated box culverts within the district. At some point these crossings are going to have to be addressed. Also I would like to maintain the relationship that the board has with their constituents. The board strives to relate with all requests as the budget allows. I look forward to working with the staff and board members to obtain all issues that arise.

Randy Bluhm

Randy Bluhm

Randy Bluhm, 52, Foley, Sheet metal mechanic.
Political background: Two terms Foley alderman, mid 1990’s, 18 years volunteer fire fighter WFFPD.
Reason for  seeking election: I enjoy serving the public and believe I have skills that can be used to better the E.S.R.D.
Other comments: Accountability is my greatest concern for the E.S.R.D. from the laborers all the way through to president of the board.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? My understanding is that the roads are to be maintained at their present condition, i.e. gravel stays gravel. I want to change that policy so that roads are improved as funds allow. This may be drainage concerns, bridge repair or widening.
At this time, I see growth from new subdivisions we need to improve the roads to keep up with that growth.

Ambulance District Candidates

Jamie Keim-Thurman

Jamie Keim-Thurman

Jamie Keim-Thurman, 26, Troy, Managing Partner of Kemper-Millard-Keim Family Funeral Chapels.
Reason for Seeking Election: As a 4th generations of Lincoln County I know how important it is to have strong ambulance district readily available for the citizens of our county and for many generations to come. I find it very beneficial to help seek ways to help educate the community of what the local ambulance district has to offer. While raising a family, being a business partner and a citizen of the county.  I can insure you that I will do what is in the best interest for the families in this community.
Other comments: With family as top priority, my husband and I find it very important to be involved within our community. As our actions today will help prepare the future for our two year old daughter, Lucy. With the experience of serving on various boards and a current member of several organizations. I know how vital it is to have everyone working together and doing the little things that can make a big difference within our county.

Diane Mueller, 48, Silex, Veterinary assistant.
Political background: Served on LCAD board and currently serving as board member.
Reason for Seeking Election: To have LCAD provide quality service, to have the district expand to serve this growing community, keep life saving equipment available to residents.
Other comments: I will work hard to ensure Lincoln County ambulance bases are adequately staffed and to reduce response time and to eliminate unnecessary cost.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? To improve Lincoln County Ambulance District’s staffing level and update all life saving equipment in a fiscally responsible manner.

Mike Pirtle, 33, Troy, Law enforcement supervisor.
Political background: First time seeking political office. Conservative views.
Reason for Seeking Election: Like many of my fellow citizens, I have grown disappointed with some of the fiscally irresponsible decisions made by the current ambulance board and the unnecessary risk to public safety caused by the rotating base closures, for no other reason than political grandstanding. It has become obvious the current board will not listen to the voters at the polls and the only way to effect change is from within.
Other comments: I welcome any public comment or concern, and will be more than happy to discuss such on an individual basis. I can be reached at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? If elected I hope to put an immediate end to the base closures without creating a significant fiscal burden to the citizens of Lincoln County. I also hope to make it easier for the general public to access the information from the board minutes and know exactly what their elected officials are doing.

Foley Mayor

William (Matt) Dodson

William (Matt) Dodson

William (Matt) Dodson, 47, Foley, Disabled.
Political background: Foley alderman Ward 1, 06-08 chairman of board.
Reason for  seeking election: Having lived in Foley for 20 years I would like a chance to work for the people to make a family oriented community.
Other comments: Having served in Foley, I am familiar with how things work and will do my best for the voters. This isn’t about me, this is about Foley.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? Fix streets, clean out storm drains.

Kathleen Schimpf, 68, Foley, Retired.
Political background: Former Alderperson Ward 1, former president of the board of alderpersons, currently Mayor of Foley since September 2014.
Reason for  seeking election: To continue working with the board of alderpersons to create policies and procedures that will prevent the return of corruption that has plagued Foley for too many years. To continue ensuring that the city budget is balanced and wasteful spending is not allowed.
Other comments: I had the honor of working with a dedicated and determined board of alderpersons last year to rid the city of Foley of corrupt officials. It was a tough battle but their courage and ethics got the job done.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? I would like to see Foley become a more “family friendly” town by making sure that illegal drugs are kept out of our town. I would also like to see more concentrated efforts to focus on activities and events for our residents, especially the children.

Keith Vertrees, 52, Foley, Security officer for St. Charles Security.
Political background: I am currently in touch with the other mayors in Lincoln County concerning Senate Bill 5 dealing with the Mack Creek Law that will affect the town of Foley’s revenue and the safety of all Foley residents. Senate Bill 5 could have a major impact on Foley’s financial future. Foley is currently being audited, and when the report is made available to me I will update all the citizens of Foley on their findings. I have participated in mayors’ meetings in other local towns and have also participated in meetings with Corp of Engineers and Lincoln County.
Reason for  seeking election: To ensure the future of Foley and to achieve high standards and consistency.
Other comments: I will conduct myself as a city official in the best possible manor for the citizens of Foley.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? I would like to bring back small town values and a sense of pride in the community. I will maintain high standards of safety and health and welfare of the residents of Foley.

Winfield School Board

Jennifer Bryan

Jennifer Bryan

Jennifer Bryan, 40, Winfield, Vice President.
Political background: None.
Reason for  seeking election: I am a life long resident of Winfield, Mo. and attended the district from Kindergarten through 12th grade. As a concerned parent with two children attending the district, I am determined to do my part to ensure the best public education possible for the students of Winfield R-IV.
Other comments: I am vice president of a company with over 20 years of business management experience. In my current position, I oversee all the company financials,  business management and human resources. I bring to the table expertise in budgeting, negotiating bids and contracts and team building skills. Quite often you will find me volunteering at our school for PTO programs, sports programs and our Teacher Assistance Programs. This puts me in a unique position to see first hand the day-to-day operations and needs of the school, teachers and students.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? One of my goals is to find ways to free up revenue within our current expenditures and to seek alternate means of funding.
I would like to emphasize board member and parent unity. I am committed to making sure parents, teachers and all administration are informed and have an open avenue to voice their opinions and concerns.
I would like to explore new methods to increase teacher retention.

Melanie Jordan, 42, Winfield, Childcare director.
Reason for  seeking election: To improve district with children’s best interest in mind. Improve communication between school administration and parents.

What would you like to see accomplished if elected? To improve the public opinion of school district and its goal with the children’s best interest in mind.

Winfield Ward II Alderman

Debra (Debbie) Rubottom, 60, Winfield, Retired part-time cashier.
Political background: None.
Reason for  seeking election: Wanting to give a new perspective to our town. I have seen a change in the way the town is being lead by the last few officials and wanting a true balance for the town of Winfield.
Other comments:  Have been a resident for almost 40 years now, and have always been active in our local elections. I have felt disappointed in the way our leadership have taken our town. We are a small town that needs to grow but keep a balance of it. You can’t grow and maintain a town if there is not a balance.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? See more business come to Winfield and to get Winfield Police back into Winfield Schools. And to get a true budget for the town the equals the town’s income.

Winfield Mayor

Ryan Ruckel

Ryan Ruckel

Larry Cudney, 70, Winfield, Retired – Part-time driver for OATS.
Political background: Ex-alderman and acting mayor.
Reason for  seeking election: I feel that the current administration has gotten out of hand with the wages being paid to some and also equipment purchases. This is a town of 1,400 and we have a small tax base.
Other comments: I spent three years in the Army attaining the rank of Sgt. E5. I’m a life member of VFW post 5517, a 19 year member of O’Fallon American Legion Post 0388 and also a life member of the NRA. I also had some college.
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? I want to get city hall back to resident friendly, a board of aldermen working together for the good of the city, an audit of city hall and also work on infrastructure. I also want to get the DARE program back next year.

Ryan Ruckel, 36, Winfield, Environmental Safety Manager.
Political background: Winfield Planning and Zoning Committee, Eagles Bluff Estates Trustee.
Reason for  seeking election: As mayor, I look forward to shifting the conversation from “what was done” to “where we are going.” The next two years are going to prove especially challenging for small cities, including our own. A declining economy has caused tax revenues to decline, the cost of providing emergency services is increasing, and Missouri SB-5 may slash our city’s budget even further. I provide our residents and businesses with a choice in leadership that can create a plan to meet these issues head-on, not just a plan for the next board meeting.
Other comments: The growth and maturity of a community is not always about becoming a big city. It’s about us leaving our children with a city that is thriving and relevant; with the infrastructure and land for them to build their homes, businesses and families upon. We cannot merely enjoy the “today” of Winfield without leaving the next generation with a Winfield prepared for “tomorrow.”
What would you like to see accomplished if elected? Winfield has empty commercial property and almost no residential property. We need an economic development plan that addresses both issues, short and long term. The Mayor should be leaning on the city’s Planning and Zoning Committee to explore all options and make recommendations. The members of this committee prioritize the interests of the city and represent the voice of our community.
