Dialysis patient pushes for Lincoln County, WV EMS Levy - WOWK PDF Print

83-year-old Dot McClure has been on dialysis since December and relies on Lincoln County EMS employees to get her to her treatments every week.

"It's very important to me because I have to go three times a week or I wouldn't be here." said Dot.

Since the EMS and fire levies didn't pass in November, services like Dot's weekly pick-ups are in peril. Lincoln County, WV will be holding a special election on February 28th to give voters another chance to make their decision. 

"We know that there will be cuts if we don't get that money, we just aren't sure to which departments." said Paul McCallister with Lincoln County EMS.

Every year the levy provides 20% of overall funding to emergency personnel and that money is used for payroll purposes only. April Roach, an EMT-B for Lincoln, says she has dedicated a large part of her life to her profession.

"I'm always constantly thinking about that next call and how I'm going to handle that, and how I can provide the best service to that person at that time." said April.

Neither levy would result in an increase in taxes for citizens, but emergency personnel think that wasn't communicated well enough the last time around. 

"Property taxes increased this year in the county dramatically and I think people figured they are taxed enough." said Paul McCallister. 

Dot hopes that her EMS family will continue to be able to stay by her side.

"That's the reason everyone I know I tell them to get out and vote for that levy...cause we need it." said Dot.

Poll will be open across Lincoln County, WV from 6:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. on February 28th. 


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