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Alternate credit card payment site for HDCN subscriptions using PayPal services PDF Print
June 4, 2014: Alternate Pay Pal Credit Card payment payment method: Because of problems with our Merchant Partner accepting some credit cards, we have set up an alternate credit card system using the PayPal interface. You DO NOT need to be a Pay Pal member to use this. You can use your regular credit card. On the renewal link, in the area above the "BUY NOW" button, choose your subscription type by pressing on the down arrow. Then, after pressing the "BUY NOW" button, on the PayPal payment site on the right, you will see "CHOOSE WAY TO PAY". Pick the option on the BOTTOM RIGHT labeled: "Pay with debit or credit card, or Bill me Later". There will be a 24-hour delay in activating your subscription, because we need to do this manually, but this seems to be the only option to facilitate acceptance of credit cards that for some reason are not being accepted using the usual method. Please try the usual payment method first, as this will automatically and immediately upgrade your subscription to HDCN.


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