Consultation on new dialysis equipment plans in Clacton - Clacton and Frinton Gazette PDF Print

Call for consultation on plans for home dialysis machines in Tendring

PATIENTS must be allowed to have their say on new plans for dialysis treatment in Clacton, according to MP Douglas Carswell.

The town was promised a dialysis unit in 2009, but it has never materialised.

NHS officials now want to try to provide the equipment for dialysis to carry out the treatment themselves at home, rather than creating the specialist centre.

About 80 dialysis patients who live across Tendring currently have to travel to Colchester, Chelmsford or Basildon.

Mr Carswell met with NHS representatives to discuss the proposed changes.

He said: “When I initially heard about the change in plans I was very concerned, but the meeting put my fears to rest to an extent.

“Instead of having to travel huge distances for the treatment, this will allow patients to get that same treatment in the comfort of their own homes.

“I think it is important we talk to each of the users because they are the ones to be affected by any decision we take at this point.

“The patients are the key. If they are happy with this as an alternative then it has to be the way forward."

Pam Green, of North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group said: “Medical technology within renal services has moved on a great deal in the past few years.

“This gives us the opportunity to review how renal services are to be provided, including developing much more dialysis for people at home if this is needed.

“As part of this review we will be talking to existing service users and their carers to find out exactly what they want from renal services.

“Once this review has been completed we will formulate plans for ensuring the very best renal services are in place which can offer treatment as locally as possible.”


fwiw says...
3:26pm Thu 5 Jul 12

I've witnessed the discomfort of a sick loved one, when having to regularly travel to Colchester for hospital treatment, and what strikes me about this story is, for how many people is the comfort of local treatment too late?
The talking has to stop sometime soon and something to the benefit of Tendring patients actually implemented. I've witnessed the discomfort of a sick loved one, when having to regularly travel to Colchester for hospital treatment, and what strikes me about this story is, for how many people is the comfort of local treatment too late? The talking has to stop sometime soon and something to the benefit of Tendring patients actually implemented. fwiw

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