Scottish News: Kidney patient chose to die by stopping dialysis treatment - Scottish Daily Record PDF Print
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A KIDNEY patient who endured two decades of pain chose to die by stopping her treatment.

Care worker Sandra Dewar, 36, could have lived for another 10 years if she continued with dialysis.

But Sandra, who had suffered the agony of a failed transplant and had spent much of the last year in hospital, decided to put an end to her pain.

And she decided not to tell her family and friends of her decision in advance in case they tried to talk her out of it.

Sandra, from Perth, passed away last Friday in hospital, two weeks after stopping the dialysis.

Yesterday, as her funeral was held at Perth Crematorium, her brother William paid tribute to her courage and explained she could not face more years of agony.

William, 31, said: “Sandra could have lived up to another 10 years on the dialysis but would have suffered a great deal.

“Obviously, we were very upset when we found out as we didn’t want to lose her.

“But we all respected her decision and knew we would not be able to change her mind.

“It helps to know she is now at peace and there will be no more needles or operations.

“She battled bravely for a long time and will never be forgotten.”

William described Sandra as a great daughter, sister and aunt who loved fashion, make-up and going out dancing with friends.

He said his parents Jeanette and James, stepfather Freddie and sister Jeanett were still trying to come to terms with their loss.

Sandra was diagnosed with a life-threatening kidney disorder at 13. When she left Perth High, she began work at a care home.

She began dialysis at 19 and had to give up work as her health failed.

In 2008, she had a kidney transplant but her body rejected the new organ.

William added: “She nearly died a number of times after the transplant and was gravely ill but she fought back. She endured so many operations over the years and always kept positive.

“She loved life and was sociable and outgoing. When she was fitter, she enjoyed nothing more than going out dancing with her many friends.

“We are a really close family and spent a lot of time together. She was a great daughter, sister and aunt.

“When I was younger, she was someone I looked up to and I have so much admiration for her.

“Even if she wasn’t my sister, I would admire the person she was and what she dealt with.

“She was extremely courageous. I would not have been able to last as long with that kind of illness.”

William, a father of one, has paid tribute to Sandra by having a tattoo of her name inscribed on his arm.


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