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Ernie Reyes Jr. Needs A Kidney Transplant; 'Ninja Turtles' Actor is 'Fighting ... - Headlines Global News PDF Print

Ernie Reyes Jr. Needs A Kidney Transplant; ‘Ninja Turtles’ Actor is ‘Fighting For His Life’

Actor Ernie Reyes Jr. needs a kidney transplant, and his sister is asking for help to raise the money for the procedure.

By Staff Reporter | Jun 12, 2015 04:43 PM EDT

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Actor Ernie Reyes Jr. needs a kidney transplant, and his sister Destiny Reyes took to GoFundMe to raise $75,000 for the procedure.

The 43-year-old "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze" star is said to be "fighting for his life" and was recently hospitalized in the ICU for kidney failure, according to Us Weekly.

Ernie Reyes Jr. (Photo : Twitter Photo Section) Ernie Reyes Jr.

"Ernie is currently undergoing dialysis treatment 3 times per week for 4 hours a day while waiting for a kidney transplant," Destiny wrote on GoFundMe. "This is a very challenging time not only for Ernie Jr.'s immediate family, but a challenging time for our family as well."

"My brother has spent his entire childhood and adult life fighting in films and television, but now his battle has gone from the screen to reality, fighting for his life," she added.

"Regardless of where you have seen or heard of Ernie Reyes Jr., he has impacted peoples' lives all over the world through his extraordinary performances in television and film. Please be aware that he needs support during this time of need and recovery of his life."

Reyes starred in "Sidekicks" in the 1980s and the "Ninja Turtles" flick in 1991, and he also had roles in "Rush Hour 2" and "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

"Much love to my sister @destikneee for starting a kidney transplant fund for me," Ernie tweeted. "I love you girl!"

He also posted on Instagram a mirror selfie showing himself shirtless and sporting a bandage, E! Online reported.

Ernie Reyes Jr. (Photo : Twitter Photo Section) Ernie Reyes Jr.

"5:15am-On my way to dialysis. #nevergiveup #motivationmonday," the actor wrote.

Despite his ailment, Ernie is still working and is set to host an event at the 2015 Battle of Atlanta Martial Arts Tournament next weekend.

Friends and fans have been showing support through social media, and since the fundraiser began on June 5, 753 people have chipped in to raise more than $37,000.

"I don't know what I would do without all your love and support," he tweeted this week. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. #grateful."


Medtronic Fortex PTA High Pressure Balloon to Maintain Access During Dialysis - Medgadget.com (blog) PDF Print


Medtronic is launching in the U.S. its Fortex percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) balloon catheter. The over-the-wire device features a high-pressure balloon capable of breaking up some of the toughest build-up to provide access into the peripheral vasculature to be able to perform hemodialysis.

The Fortex has a low profile tip and a flexible shaft that let it stay close to the guidewire, making it easy to pass through difficult vasculature.

The balloon will maintain its shape when within the rated burst pressure, guaranteeing the vessel will stay open during hemodialysis treatment.

Flashback: Covidien’s Fortrex Balloon Catheter Cleared in U.S….

Product page: Fortrex…

Source: Medtronic…


Sunitinib Plus Gemcitabine Active, Well Tolerated in Aggressive Renal Cell ... - Cancer Therapy Advisor PDF Print
June 12, 2015 Sunitinib Plus Gemcitabine Active, Well Tolerated in Aggressive Renal Cell ... - Cancer Therapy Advisor
Combination of antiangiogenic therapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy is active and well tolerated in sarcomatoid and RCC.

The combination of antiangiogenic therapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy is active and well tolerated in patients with sarcomatoid and poor-risk renal cell carcinoma (RCC), a recent study published online this week in the journal Cancer has shown.

This single-arm, phase 2 trial evaluated the activity of sunitinib and gemcitabine combination in 39 patients with sarcomatoid RCC and 33 patients with poor-risk RCC.

The primary endpoint was objective response rate (ORR), and secondary endpoints were time to progression (TTP), overall survival (OS), safety, and biomarker correlatives. 

Results showed that patients with sarcomatoid RCC and poor-risk RCC had an ORR of 26% and 24%, respectively. Both disease progression and overall survival were slightly higher in patients with poor-risk RCC (TTP=5.5 months; OS=15 months) compared with sarcomatoid RCC (TTP=5 months; OS=10 months).

RELATED: ASPEN Compares Sunitinib, Everolimus in Metastatic Non-Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

Moreover, patients with greater sarcomatoid histology (>10%) had a higher ORR with stable disease than lower sarcomatoid histology (?10%) (P=0.04). The common grade ?3 adverse events reported were neutropenia (n = 20), anemia (n = 10), and fatigue (n = 7).

The study demonstrates that sunitinib and gemcitabine combination shows activity in both sarcomatoid and poor-risk RCC. Additional studies are currently under investigation to see if combination therapy is better than either therapy alone. 


  1. Michaelson MD, McKay RR, Werner L, et al. Phase II trial of sunitinib and gemcitabine in patients with sarcomatoid and/or poor-risk metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Cancer. 2015. [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1002/cncr.29503.


Trends in prevalence of patient case-mix adjusters used in the Medicare ... - NephrologyNews.com PDF Print

Trends in prevalence of patient case-mix adjusters used in the Medicare ...
Objectives. The Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System (PPS) used data from 2006-08 to set weights for each case-mix adjuster that is part of the bundled payment formula. The details of the population case-mix were not made ...


Vitamin D might help preserve kidney function in children with CKD - NephrologyNews.com PDF Print


Vitamin D might help preserve kidney function in children with CKD
The article, entitled “Normal 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels Are Associated with Less Proteinuria and Attenuate Renal Failure Progression in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease,” appears online the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN).
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