Dialysis world news

Overweight in teenagers linked to later onset CKD. PDF Print
EurekAlert (JASN): Being overweight starting in young adulthood may significantly increase individuals' risks of developing kidney disease by the time they become seniors, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). The findings emphasize the importance of excess weight as a risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD).


New meta analysis suggests benefits of salt reduction and dietary K increase. PDF Print
EurekAlert: Cutting down on salt and, at the same time, increasing levels of potassium in our diet will have major health and cost benefits across the world, according to studies published on bmj.com today. Such a strategy will save millions of lives every year from heart disease and stroke, say experts.


Malic acid mouth spay for xerostomia. PDF Print
CanalUGR: Scientists from the universities of Granada and Murcia have confirmed the effectiveness of a product containing 1% malic acid that stimulates saliva production in patients with medication-induced xerostomy (dry mouth) Patients with dry mouth often have difficulty chewing, swallowing or even talking and their numbers have increased in recent years, due to a rise in taking medication, above all anti-depressants


Cholesterol-lowering eyedrops improve macular degeneration in mice. PDF Print
Latino Post: Researchers took macrophages from old mice and humans with macular degeneration and discovered they had low levels of ABCA1, a protein that transports cholesterol from cells. The researchers then worked to activate receptors that would affect ABCA1 expression in mice, with the help of cholesterol-lowering drugs. They tested two types of drugs, finding both medications increased ABCA1 levels and improved cholesterol transport in macrophages --- thereby reducing the growth of new blood vessels.


NKF Spring Clinical Meetings abstract search tool. PDF Print
NKF: This search tool can be used to quicky check the SCM13 posters.


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