Dialysis world news
Negative SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial results published in NEJM |
NEJM: Conclusions. This blinded trial did not show a significant reduction of systolic blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension 6 months after renal-artery denervation as compared with a sham control
Evolocumab lowers LDL cholesterol by more than 50% (NEJM) |
NEJM: Among the 901 patients included in the primary analysis, the overall least-squares mean (+/-SE) reduction in LDL cholesterol from baseline in the evolocumab group, taking into account the change in the placebo group, was 57.0 +/-2.1% (P<0.001).
SYMPLICITY HTN - 3: Renal artery denervation fails for resistant hypertension |
ACC: Despite meeting primary safety endpoints, SYMPLICITY HTN-3 – the pivotal U.S. trial examining renal denervation for treatment-resistant hypertension – has fallen short of its secondary efficacy goals, and failed to reach its primary efficacy endpoint as announced earlier this year by the study's sponsor. The new data was released March 29 as part of ACC.14 in Washington, DC, and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
New class of anticholesterol drugs lowers LDL by 50% |
Huffingtonpost: Three studies of Amgen Inc.'s version of these drugs, called evolocumab (ev-oh-LOKE-you-mab), found it lowered LDL or "bad" cholesterol by 55 to 66 percent compared to a fake drug, and by nearly that much when compared to Merck's Zetia, another cholesterol medication.
Large meta-analysis exonerates saturated fat in terms of elevated CV risk. |
Reuters: When Chowdhury and his team analyzed data on fatty acid intake, they found that none of the types of saturated or polyunsaturated fats had a significant impact on heart disease risk. However, consumption of trans fat - found in some processed foods and some forms of stick margarine - was tied to a 16 percent increase in risk. Guidelines call for avoiding trans fats altogether. When the researchers examined markers of fatty acids in the blood, they also found little difference in heart risk based on levels of saturated or polyunsaturated fats. But the results varied for individual fatty acids.
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