Thousands of Years of Life Gained from Improved Survival in Dialysis Patients - PR Newswire (press release) |
MINNEAPOLIS, March 12, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In honor of World Kidney Day 2015, the Peer Kidney Care Initiative (www.peerkidney.org) announces that steadily improving survival among chronic dialysis patients in the United States has resulted in the gain of more than 103,000 years of life.
Since 2003, more than 100,000 US patients have begun chronic dialysis each year. New dialysis patients typically experience multiple comorbid conditions and poverty is widespread among them. Despite these challenges, the work of dialysis providers and other health care professionals is bearing fruit.
In analyzing data from the United States Renal Data System, Peer researchers have found:
- One-year survival after dialysis initiation has increased every year, from 74% in 2003 to 78% in 2011. Three-year and five-year survival have also increased.
- Improved survival in successive waves of new patients translated to 103,970 years of life gained, relative to survival among new patients in 2003.
- Life expectancy after starting dialysis has increased across all age brackets. For adults aged 20 to 39 years, life expectancy has increased by more than 2.5 years.
"The impressive improvement in survival has received little attention, but has truly changed patients' lives. Increases in life expectancy among younger adults are especially impressive," says Allan Collins, MD, FACP, the Executive Director of Peer. "Advances in dialysis technique, medication therapy, vaccination, and vascular access care are all likely contributors to improving survival."
Brigitte Schiller, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Satellite Healthcare, adds, "These results are promising and reflect the dedicated efforts of all stakeholders in the kidney care community. Continuous quality improvement in many aspects of dialysis therapy has moved outcomes in the right direction."
About Peer Kidney Care Initiative
Peer is a collaborative initiative that leverages data to inform patients, physicians, dialysis providers, payers, and governments about the state of dialysis patient care. The mission of Peer is to improve the quality of care in the US.
Financial support for Peer is provided by American Renal Associates, Atlantic Dialysis Management Services, Centers for Dialysis Care, DaVita HealthCare Partners, DCI, DSI Renal, Fresenius Medical Care, Independent Dialysis Foundation, Northwest Kidney Centers, Renal Ventures Management, Satellite Healthcare, The Rogosin Institute, and U.S. Renal Care. In collaboration with Chief Medical Officers of these organizations, Peer is operated by the Chronic Disease Research Group (www.cdrg.org), in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Media Contact
Delaney Berrini
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SOURCE Peer Kidney Care Initiative
TSA receives donation from DaVita Dialysis in Westland - Hometownlife.com |
TSA’s Jennifer Trussell (from left), recording secretary, and Frank Vaslo, chairman, accept a check from Judy Caldwell and Erin Crandall of the DaVita Dialysis Center.(Photo: AP Photo/Douglas Simpson)
The Senior Alliance, Area Agency on aging 1C (TSA) has gotten some financial help from DaVita Dialysis Center of Westland.
On Feb. 26, DaVita staff members Erin Crandall and Judy Caldwell presented Frank Vaslo, chairman of TSA’s Board of Directors, with a $1,000 donation to support the agency’s program efforts, including the Holiday Meals Program. The money was raised by DaVita through staff donations.
“We are very grateful to receive this support from DaVita,” said Bob Brown, executive director of TSA. “It will go toward helping our Holiday Meals Program and assisting those members of our community in need.”
TSA’s Holiday Meals Program provides a warm home-delivered meal to older adults in need on four of the days the regular Meals on Wheels Program does not operate: Easter, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Many of the meal recipients do not have any family or caregiver contacts on those holidays.
Donations to the Holiday Meals Program can be made through PayPal by visiting www.aaa1c.org and clicking on the “Support Holiday Meals on Wheels” link or by contacting Jennifer Trussell at 734-727-2011.
TSA is a nonprofit agency formed in 1980 and designated by the State of Michigan as the Area Agency on Aging for the communities of southern and western Wayne County. TSA’s mission is to empower people with needs by providing available services so they can live with dignity in the community they choose.
A leading provider of dialysis services in the United States, DaVita treats patients with chronic kidney failure and end stage renal disease. DaVita Kidney Care strives to improve patients' quality of life by innovating clinical care, and by offering integrated treatment plans, personalized care teams and convenient health-management services. The Westland centers is at 36588 Ford at Central City Parkway. For more information, call 866-544-6741.
Read or Share this story: http://www.hometownlife.com/story/money/business/2015/03/12/tsa-receives-donation-davita-dialysis-westland/70199122/
World Kidney Day: Shortage of dialysis centres, 90% patients left at the mercy ... - TheHealthSite |
End-Stage-Kidney Diseases (ESKD) is becoming a dreadful issue in India. The fact that about four lakh people falling prey to this chronic disease every year, is certainly a matter of great concern.
Adding to the woes of patients suffering from ESKDs is the deficient treatment facilities available in India. Dialysis is one of the important treatment options; but India is still not well equipped to provide enough number of dialysis centers to patients for their day-to-day care. There are only about 1000 dialysis centers in India. Only 4000 – 5000 (about 1%) patients are fortunate to go for transplants each year in the whole country. Hence, more than 90% of the patients are left at the mercy of their fates to find remedies for their ailment and cannot access even the basic need of having dialysis. (Read: 12 symptoms of kidney disease)
While the risk of carrying ESKD is very high among Indians, unfortunately, in our country, awareness about kidney disease is very low. Said Dr Bharat Shah, Director, Institute of Renal Sciences, Mumbai and Managing Trustee of Narmada Kidney Foundation, ‘Diabetes and Hypertension account for more than 60 % cases of chronic kidney disease, but the lack of understanding is preventing people from having detection and prevention of kidney diseases at early stages. Hence, for a society where diabetes and hypertension has always been on the rise, the need for spreading awareness of kidney disease becomes very essential.’ (Read: Are your medications damaging your kidneys?)
The need to create a receptive environment to acknowledge this serious disease becomes more visible on the ‘World Kidney Day’, which is celebrated worldwide on second Thursday of March every year. While world over, the awareness levels to fight out ESKD are growing, India also needs to walk fast to arrest the fallouts of this fatal disease. (Read: World Kidney Day: Are you at risk of kidney disease?)
Narmada Kidney Foundation (NKF), which is India’s one of the largest kidney related NGOs that works for raising awareness about prevention of kidney diseases and the concept of organ donation, has taken up a mass awareness campaign on the sidelines of ‘World Kidney Day’. On the occasion of ‘World Kidney Day’, on the 12th March, Narmada Kidney Foundation, along with other Kidney Foundations in Mumbai, have arranged a Hindi Skit Competition called as ‘Kidney Chronicles (Kisse Kidney Ke). (Read: 10 tips to prevent kidney disease)
This competition will involve all sections of the community and deliver a unified message about Kidney Health and Organ Donation. These skits will communicate the importance of Kidney Care and raise awareness about Organ Donation in the society. Other Kidney Foundations which are joining in this endeavor are National Kidney Foundation, Mumbai Kidney Foundation, Mumbai Nephrology Group and Apex Kidney Foundation. The message that will be given out will be ‘Our Kidneys For Our Health’. (Read: Complications of kidney disease – everything you should)
Added Dr Shah, ‘On the occasion of World Kidney Day, we want to spread the importance of kidneys for good health. Our initiative is to engage with a large number of people and make them aware about preventing any probable risks of kidney ailments. At our Foundation, we have been continuously working towards educating people about kidney diseases.’
Overall 15 groups from various sectors like Schools, Colleges, Theater Activists, Organizations, Laughter Clubs and even Individuals participated in elimination round of the skit competition. The elimination round of Kidney Chronicles (Kisse Kidney Ke) was conducted on 8th March 2015 at Nair Hospital Auditorium, Bombay Central. The grand finale of 6 qualified groups will be at Swatantra Veer Sawarkar Auditorium, Dadar on 12th March 7.30 pm onwards.
Image source: Getty Images
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'Early Referral, Subsidized Dialysis Treatment, Key to Managing Kidney Diseases' - The Guardian |
AS Nigeria join other countries across the globe to mark the World Kidney Day, doctors under the auspices of the National Association of Private and General Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (AGPMPN) Amuwo Odofin, Lagos branch in conjunction with Cedar Group Hospital have drawn attention to the prevalent cases of patients with kidney diseases in the country and are advocating for more awareness on the risk factors associated with kidney diseases to prevent many Nigerians from losing their lives.
The doctors who converged at the Rockview Hotel in Lagos for a sensitization workshop to commemorate the World Kidney Day, 2015 pointed out that being diagnose with kidney disease is not an automatic death sentence as early referral, subsidized dialysis treatment, waver on importation of drugs, including taking up dialysis treatment for patients among other factors is key to managing patients with kidney diseases.
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Chairperson of the Amuwo Odofin zone of AGPMPN and host of the event, Dr Chinwuba Anameje disclose that the workshop has been part of the programme for all the medical practitioners in private practice to upgrade them on what is happening as well as improve them general.
He said: " Today is world kidney day and our goal is to update our members to meet up with the current requirements when it comes to the issue of treatment for kidney diseases." According to him, it is quite alarming what the impact of prevalent cases of chronic kidney cases could be for Nigeria stressing that there is need private practitioners and primary health care providers to get adequate information so as to disseminate it to the grassroot.
More transport subsidies for elderly attending day rehab and dialysis - The Straits Times |
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