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'Why Lagos concessions N5b cardiac, renal center - The Guardian Nigeria PDF Print
Dr. IdrisDr. Idris

What informed the idea of this facility?

In recent times, there has been an epidemiological shift in the disease pattern with an increase in Non-Communicable and Mental Health disease burden that are seen across the state. I am talking of chronic diseases, especially hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), and cancers – a state of affairs that is increasingly telling on available statistics from the state’s public hospitals.

It is an acknowledged fact that cardiac and renal diseases constitute a growing health burden globally. These diseases, if not adequately managed, progress to end-stage organ damage thereby contributing significantly to morbidity and mortality indices. Identified risk factors are hypertension and diabetes. This is again buttressed by available state hospital statistics, which also show an increase in end-stage renal diseases. On a yearly basis, the state sponsor renal and cardiac disease patients requiring financial assistance for treatment and/or transplant surgery abroad, with most of the cardiac cases being children with congenital heart diseases.

This cardiac and renal centre is to handle all these cases including their complications. That is why this centre was constructed and equipped. It is capable of doing very many things – detecting and investigating causes of renal diseases and address them too.

It is a three-floor building; properly equipped to handle virtually all cases of heart and kidney problems. We have clinics where doctors will take history and make diagnosis; we have counseling rooms, consulting rooms, diagnostics room where electrocardiography can be done. There is also echocardiography laboratory for further diagnosis. Cardiac catherization lab; a specialization lab that can diagnose as well as treat (the second of such laboratories in the country). Here they can inject specific diet into your blood stem; trace all the blood supplies either to the arm or legs, to see if there is any blockage and if there is any, without any surgical operation, there can be maneuvering to open up that blockage. And if there is any need to do surgery, that section also has two theatres where it can be done, either for the heart or cardiac. We can do both kidney and heart transplants at the centre.

Why did the state government concession the facility to a private company to manage?

We realized that we have challenges with human resources especially in key specialties to handle this facility and that is why we adopted the Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiative. We threw it open to bidders and at the end we signed an agreement (a Limited Liability Partnership) with Renescor Health Limited, represented by Dr. Ladi Awosika.

Why we opted for Renescor is that majority of these people (staff of the centre) are Nigerians in Diaspora. Though they are experts based overseas, they are willing to come back to the country, to treat these problems and also build expertise.

You would also recall that we have had some cardiac missions in the past; nine to be specific, with about 56 beneficiaries, mostly children. A lot these children have what is called congenital heart problems; problems of the heart that they were born with and requiring surgical correction. We could not handle all of them because of the constraint of resources. So, they were sent to India. The best is to bring those expertise here.

One of the agreements in the partnership is that there must be proper skills transfer; we must be able to use the expertise that they are bringing in to train local people – our medical students, the residents, some consultants who require expertise in cardiology or renal problems. And the training is not limited to doctors alone, but also our nurses in intensive care management either for heart or kidney care. We can train technicians that can also handle some of those equipment on ground. With the agreement, we are using one stone to kill many birds.

We also have some experts in cardiology and have their clinic in Lagos and are part and parcel of this arrangement. They have seen cases of pulmonary haemorrhage in six years that they have stayed here than what they had seen abroad and those cases were treated successfully. They have seen more cases now, even from outside of Lagos because of the expertise that they have.

You know what, some people have been referred abroad wrongly, but because they are lucky, they have went to these guys before going on the trip, and they found that there is nothing wrong with the person. They have a culture of confidence that we must also put around here.

What is the statistic really like for these kidney and heart diseases in Lagos?

From what we have seen, 20 per cent of our people are hypertensive and that figure nearly tallies with experiences of some literatures. Four to five per cent of those cases are diabetic. It a bit difficult to access the trend because we don’t have sufficient data locally. With respect to renal disease, this is even worst. Because most of these cases are not diagnosed early enough, they don’t go to hospital until they get to end stage of the renal disease.

Apart from not being detected early, when they are detected, they need to go through dialysis, which is the ‘cheapest’ form of treatment in this category. Ideally, a person needs three dialysis sessions per week. It is very expensive and because many cannot afford it, they are left with one or twice sessions. Unfortunately too, we don’t have too many units that carry out dialysis. From statistics we have, I think we have only 60 of such units in the country. 30 per cent of those units are in Lagos and for those in Lagos, 80 per cent of them are in the private sector. Very few tertiary facilities are doing transplant, with St. Nicholas doing the highest number. What we are doing in Lagos state is to create that avenue for people to use and that is the essence of this new facility.

It is also a fact that people have been referred overseas for treatment or transplantation. Some were successful while some were badly treated and had to come back. That is the reality.

With hypertension, there are severe complications. One can get blind, have stroke, gangrene of the leg, which diabetes too can cause. Hypertension too can kill your kidneys, even when there is no hypertension, but because the kidneys are dying, it can lead to hypertension. They are very serious problem and that is why we have to start keeping records properly. Hypertension or low blood pressure can cause palpitation of the heart and if not properly treated it can lead to shock and there are different types. These are not the kind of conditions that can be diagnosed in just any hospital. This is where this facility is very important.

How many hearts and kidney patients can this facility cater for?

We will try as much as possible to address as many as come. Just one facility cannot deal with the problem of Nigeria. In any normal country, this kind of facility is done by the private sector. Because it is expensive to build and maintain. More so, that kind of maintenance revolves around the staff. Look at our country, how many cardiologists; heart doctors do we have? Because of the complexity of Lagos, both (two cardiologist) are here and a lot of people come from outside Lagos to see them. So, the many of this centre that we have, the better.

Government is showing that we can do these things here. We need more of this facility but government cannot do it alone. Again, it is not a facility anyone can just walk into and ask for treatment, otherwise people working in there would not be able to carry out those services for which you (patient) have paid for. People have to be referred there.

What are your plans to reduce the cost of kidney transplants, currently at over N3m, given this new facility?

That is affordability and will be affordable. But don’t forget that the facility has been built with serious money and it is going to cost even more to maintain the key equipment. What we have done in the agreement, especially for the poor people, is that anyone that must go from out teaching hospital has to be referred there, and 10 per cent of every case that they see in that place per month will be treated free. Anything in excess, if they conform to the protocol, will be borne by the state government under our insurance scheme.

There is a bill pending in the House of Assembly to address things like this. It has passed First, Second Readings and also through Public Hearing. Once they passed that and it becomes law, then these issues can be addressed properly. But if I tell you that every bed would be declared free, is a lie. If we try that, the place will packed up in less than one year. We will try as much as possible, within the limit of resources, to address those issues.

To get the services cheaper, the concessionaire is talking directly with international manufacturers of consumables and gets them as the most affordable rate. Sustainability is also tied to the economy of the country.

We look forward to doing two renal transplants every week by the time we are six months into operation. Dialysis will scale up to about 60 a day in the next few weeks. Opening of that facility will nearly double the number of critical care bed available in Lagos at this point in time. So, it is not only about the cost but also for people that are currently dying without the opportunity for treatment.

It is known that NHIS packages are often silent on renal or cardiac issues. Is it any different with the state-own insurance scheme?

What we have are different packages for different people and based on the package that is chosen, there are fees that you have to pay. For those people who are poor, there are certain things the government will do on their behalf, provided they go through the processes and procedure on ground. There must be protocol and referral; otherwise, the whole essence will be defeated. If we can go to other people’s countries and sit-down for the process to take its course, why can’t we do it here? So, there are people that will be taken care of by the government on account of their status.

The original estimate for the facility is N5billion. Has it in anyway increased and by how much?

There are other issues and cost that came with the facility, like raising the topography of that place, addressing the issues of drainage, road accessibility and power. If we are to add that, it is definitely more than N5b. But those are public records you can have access to. There are so many dimensions to cost. To say it cost N5b that will be an under-statement.

How would you explain that this facility has been concessioned, given the fact that the government solely paid for it construction?

This people are paying concession fee to the government and not the other way round. So, it is incumbent on them to do these things properly the way it should be done. There is a monitoring clause and others to ensure that they are done properly. If concessions are not being done, it then means again that we have bastardised the process in this environment. It is a concession that specifies the role and responsibility of each partner. So, if partner A defaults, partner B knows what to do. In any case, the concession is for five years. If they perform very well, there will be a renewal for another five years. If they have enough need locally, there may not be any need to review. This is just one out of what we need here. Ghana has more CT scanners in their country than we have in Nigeria, not to talk of the number of MRIs, and not to talk of South Africa.

Would the state be making campaigns for renal donors?

Generally, donor is an ethical issue. Donor issue is patient specific. We cannot say we want hearts or one kidney. All these have to be matched to a particular patient’s need. And to match, they test blood and all manner of things to be sure that they are compatible. If I graft you now, your body will reject it. The closer the patient is to the donor (sibling, at best) the better for compatibility and successful transplantation. We will leave the issue of donor to the concessionaire to manage.


Hôpitaux de Paris and Actelion Pharma are evaluating Bosentan in Scleroderma ... - Scleroderma News PDF Print

shutterstock_110911754The Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris is collaborating with Actelion Pharmaceutics on a study testing the efficacy, safety and tolerability of bosentan in patients with scleroderma renal crisis on renal function (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01241383).

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an auto-immune disorder that causes excessive collagen deposition, autoimmunity and vascular hyper-reactivity and obliterative microvascular phenomena that involves multiple organs. A condition that usually occurs in 5% of SSs patients is Scleroderma Renal Crisis (SRC). The routine use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) has been reported to dramatically improve outcomes, with a drop of the 12-month mortality from 76% to less than 15% in the United-States.

However, SRC remains a complicated manifestation of SSc with functional outcomes and survival numbers remaining poor. Bosentan is a dual endothelin receptor antagonist approved for the treatment of primary pulmonary arterial hypertension and for the prevention of ischemic digital ulcers.

In this non-randomized, single-group assignment efficacy study the primary endpoint is to explore the efficacy of bosentan (Tracleer) in patients with scleroderma renal crisis on renal function at 6 and 12 months. The secondary endpoints are to evaluate the safety and tolerability of bosentan in patients with scleroderma renal crisis over 6 months of treatment and 1 year overall survival.


Patients must be aged over 18 years, from both genders, able to provide informed consent; meeting the ACR /or LEROY et MEDSGER criteria for systemic sclerosis and fulfill criteria for renal systemic sclerosis. Patients cannot take part if they have taken bosentan within one month of inclusion for pulmonary arterial hypertension or digital ulcer prevention, or other treatments involving selective or nonselective antagonist endothelia receptors. In addition, those with a history of left ventricle systolic dysfunction, systolic blood pressure < 85mm Hg, progressive cancer or considered cured for less than 5 years cannot participate in the trial. Patients with a known hypersensitivity to bosentan or any of the excipients, with HIV, HCV, HBV infection or Liver disease Child-Pugh B and C cannot take part. Patients who are pregnant or breast-feeding are also excluded.

The study is recruiting participants until September 2015 at the Pôle de médecine interne Centre de référence Maladies rares Groupe at Hôpital Cochinin in Paris, France. The study is expected to be complete in March 2016. At the moment there are no results available.

More information about the study and how to enroll can be found at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/results/NCT01241383?term=scleroderma&rank=5

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Daniela Semedo

Daniela is a PhD researcher in the field of Clinical Psychology/Psychiatry. Her main fields of interest are Psychopathology and Prevention of Psychotic Disorders in clinical populations.


Report shows kidney dialysis cases drop - La Crosse Tribune PDF Print

PITTSBURTH — World Kidney Day was celebrated recently, and Cheryl Biggs took the time to go to her church in Larimer, Pa., for a free screening for kidney disease by the National Kidney Foundation for one reason.

“A friend of mine, her older sister was doing dialysis at home and it was hard,” she said. “If there is something that can be found easily early on, then why not?”

While the foundation and others continue to spread awareness with events such as the one at the church, national data show that the drumbeat of advice, combined with advances in treating diabetes and high blood pressure, appear to be having an effect.

Last year, for the first time since it began keeping track in 1988, the federal government reported fewer new cases of people going onto dialysis from 2010 to 2011, the most recent years available. And that was after two years in which the number of new cases did not increase.

In the world of kidney disease, this was monumental news — but it attracted scant attention at the time.

“We’ve been a little sheepish about that data,” said Leslie Spry, a spokesman for the National Kidney Foundation and a nephrologist at an independent dialysis center in Lincoln, Neb.

Initially, he said, the U.S. Renal Data System, which collects and analyzes the statistics, “said it may be a blip; it could have been the result of the economic downturn causing fewer people to seek dialysis.”

“But after three years, now maybe you have to believe this isn’t an aberration,” he said.

Why has that figure started going down?

“Awareness is part of it,” said Richard Marcus, director of the division of nephrology at Allegheny General Hospital. “More primary care physicians are aware of chronic kidney disease and are talking about it with their patients.

“But it’s also because we have just gotten better at taking care of these patients that they never reach dialysis and hopefully never will.”

In particular, he said, that means more effectively managing the two leading causes of kidney disease — diabetes and high blood pressure.

Being on dialysis is a trying, painstaking process that typically requires three days a week, four hours each day, sitting in a chair, hooked up to a dialysis machine that does the work your kidneys cannot.

“It’s miserable, let me tell you,” said Jack Silverstein, president of the Western PA Kidney Support Groups. “I was on it for four years, and four years was too much.”

Being on dialysis means a patient is likely to be on the kidney transplant list. Because so many are on the transplant waiting list — about 101,000 currently — compared with the number of kidney transplants performed — less than 17,000 — about 4,400 people a year die waiting for a transplant.

Silverstein was one of the lucky ones. He had a successful transplant in 2002.

“It’s a pity we can’t get more transplants (done),” said Beth Piraino, a nephrologist and nationally known researcher at the University of Pittsburgh. “Because the real answer to all of this is to do more transplants.”

The decrease in new dialysis patients is all the more remarkable because in prior decades, the number of first-time dialysis patients didn’t just grow, it exploded.

From 1988, when the agency began collecting data, the number of new patients “seemed to be inexorably going up 5 to 10 percent a year,” said Paul Eggers, a senior kidney epidemiologist with the National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, who works on the report. “But now we’re at the end of a decade where it began to grow more slowly, then leveled off, and now there is some indication that it might just be going down. This is good news.”


Social Secuity helps peopole with kidney disease - TriCities.com PDF Print

Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 10:49 am

Every March, we pay special attention to the kidney, an organ vital to a healthy life. Social Security wants to help spread the word about the importance of kidney health and about what you should do if you think you or a loved one has a kidney-related disability.

Kidney disease prevents your kidneys from cleansing your blood to their full potential. Did you know that one out of three Americans is currently at high risk for developing kidney disease? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 million Americans have chronic kidney disease, and most of them don’t even know it.

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Renal Cell Carcinoma Incidence Increasing Worldwide - Cancer Therapy Advisor PDF Print
March 18, 2015 Renal Cell Carcinoma Incidence Increasing Worldwide - Cancer Therapy Advisor
Renal cell carcinoma incidence is on the rise in many countries, with widening mortality trends in less developed countries.

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) incidence is on the rise in many countries, with widening mortality trends in less developed countries, according to a study published in European Urology.

Researchers led by Ariana Znaor, MD, PhD, of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in France looked at data from GLOBOCAN, the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents series, and the World Health Organization mortality database to map out incidence rates in more than 40 countries.

They used joinpoint analyses of age-standardized rates (ASRs) in order to measure trends in the last ten years.

The study found that the incidence of RCC in men varied worldwide, with 1 in 100,000 in African countries to more than 15 in 100,000 in several European countries and among blacks in the U.S. 

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They saw similar patterns in women, but the incidence rates were more likely half of those found in men.

Incidence rates are rising in many countries, most notably in Latin America, and while mortality trends are stabilizing, there is a significant decline in Western and Northern Europe, the U.S., and Australia.

“Although some progress towards stabilization of mortality trends has been achieved globally, differences in mortality between areas of higher and lower human development levels persist,” the authors concluded.


  1. Znaor, Ariana, et al. "International Variations and Trends in Renal Cell Carcinoma Incidence and Mortality." European Urology. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2014.10.002. March 1, 2015.


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