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Dialysis world news

Cassidy, Gillibrand Improve Access to Care for Huntington's Disease Patients - PoliticalNews.me (press release) PDF Print

Cassidy, Gillibrand Improve Access to Care for Huntington's Disease Patients
PoliticalNews.me (press release)
... lacks access to consistent medical care. Congress has previously waived the two-year waiting period for people disabled by Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) and End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). This legislation would waive that wait period for those with HD.


Alabama CON report - April 2015 - Lexology (registration) PDF Print
  1. Certificate of Need Program
  1. AL2015-015, Farragut Dialysis, LLC d/b/a Monarch Dialysis, Montgomery, AL:Proposes to add six in-center hemodialysis stations to the existing 16-station facility for a total of 22 stations. Opposition: None.


  1. AL2015-016, Bio-Medical Applications of Alabama, Inc. d/b/a Fresenius Medical Care Discovery Dialysis Center, Huntsville, AL:Proposes to expand the existing ESRD facility consisting of 15 stations by relocating one in-center hemodialysis station from Huntsville Dialysis Center and add four in-center hemodialysis stations for a total of 20 stations. Opposition: None.


  1. AL2015-017, NNA of Alabama, Inc. d/b/a RCG Fort Payne, Fort Payne, AL:Proposes to add nine in-center hemodialysis stations and one isolation station to the existing ESRD facility consisting of 12 hemodialysis stations and two home training stations for a total of 24 stations. Opposition: None.


  1. Reviewability Determinations and Pending Reviewability Determinations
  1. Reviewability Determinations

RV2015-013,SouthernCare, Inc. d/b/a SouthernCare Daphne, requests to establish a hospice satellite office in the approved service area of Escambia County. Status: Non-Reviewable.

RV2015-014,SouthernCare, Inc. d/b/a SouthernCare Demopolis, requests to establish a hospice satellite office in the approved service area of Dallas County. Status: Non-Reviewable.

RV2015-015,SouthernCare, Inc. d/b/a SouthernCare Greenville, requests to establish a hospice satellite office in the approved service area of Covington County. Status: Non- Reviewable.

RV2015-016,Covenant Hospice, Inc. d/b/a Covenant Hospice, Inc. Brewton, requests to close their hospice satellite office located at 1023 Douglas Avenue, Ste. 204, Brewton, AL. Status: Non-Reviewable.

RV2015-017,SouthernCare, Inc. d/b/a SouthernCare Cullman, requests to establish a hospice satellite office in the approved service area of Morgan County. Status: Non-Reviewable.

RV2015-019,AseraCare Hospice-Demopolis, LLC d/b/a AseraCare Hospice, requests to relocate the in-home hospice office from 1013 Medical Center Parkway, Medical Arts Bldg. #1, Ste. 101, Selma, AL to 482 McQueen Smith Rd., Prattville, AL. Status: Non-Reviewable.

  1. Pending Reviewability Determinations

RV2014-028,Surgicare of Mobile, Ltd., requests to add five operating rooms, 20 pre- and post- op bays, and four restrooms and to expand the waiting room and business office. Status: Pending.

Opposition: Providence Hospital filed a letter opposing the Reviewability Determination Request. Mobile Infirmary Association d/b/a Mobile Infirmary Medical Center filed a letter opposing the Reviewability Determination Request. In litigation, CV2014-901553, Springhill Hospitals, Inc. filed Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Injunctive Relief.

RV2015-018,Regional Health Management Corporation requests to lease space to operate two physicians’ offices and then sublease to RMC-Anniston for operation of a hospital-based Diagnostic Imaging Center offering MRI, CT, General Radiology, and Ultrasound. Status: Pending.

RV2015-020, Southern Alabama Surgery Center, LLC d/b/a Surgery Center South, requests to expand the existing surgery center by leasing 7,569 square feet of shell space adjacent to the existing ASC space, within which Surgery Center South proposes to construct six (6) new additional operating rooms, two (2) of which will be licensed, certified, fully staffed,  and operated immediately upon completion of the construction, and four (4) of which will remain unstaffed, and held for future use. The leased space will also include sixteen (16) total bays for pre-operative and recovery care, counseling space, cleaning station, a waiting area, restrooms, and a small physician’s lounge. Status: Pending.

Opposition: Southeast Alabama Medical Center and Dothan Surgery Center, LLC

The next CON Review Board meeting will be held on May 20, 2015.


'Kidney transplant better option than dialysis for renal failure patients' - Rising Kashmir PDF Print

Rising Kashmir News
Srinagar, April 18: Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan, Surgical Director and Chief Kidney Transplant Surgeon at Fortis Hospital, Mohali today said that in the event of kidney failure or end stage kidney disease the patient has the options to choose from- dialysis or kidney transplantation and the better long term treatment is Kidney transplant.
“If hundred patients start their dialysis today and we follow them up for next ten years approximately 75-80 percent patients will die at the end of 10 years whereas if 100 patients opt for a kidney transplant today, more than 80 percent live beyond 10 years,” he said.
Ranjan explained that the longevity is possible only after a kidney transplant, as every year one-third of patients on dialysis suffer from a vascular access problem, infection, blood pressure disturbances, dialysis disequilibrium syndrome apart from increased incidence of heart attacks and brain strokes.
He added that dialysis worldwide is considered bridge therapy and not treatment of kidney failure. Dialysis should only be used to bridge time gap in patients who have kidney failure and are making arrangements for a kidney transplant.
Elaborating upon the developments, taken place in the field of kidney transplantation, he added that the laws have become more patient friendly. The Government of India has allowed grandparents and grandchildren to be included in the list of donors as well. The Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) of India has also allowed paired kidney exchange or donor swapping amongst two families who have no blood group matching donors, said Dr Ranjan.


Living With Dialysis While Waiting For A Kidney - The Newtown Bee PDF Print

Tossing several varieties of herbal tea on his kitchen table, resident Michael Vastarelli made a selection as water boiled in the kettle. His rescue dog, Cookie, gnawed on a toy, trying to get at the peanut butter hidden inside.

But Mr Vastarelli’s attention soon wandered from the steam rising from his mug and Cookie’s wagging tail. He was seeing the past — a time in 2006 when he was 26, and received a diagnosis of Alport syndrome, a form of kidney disease. He was in a relationship, and would soon start a new job. Also around that time was a routine doctor’s appointment, which led to a specialist, his diagnosis, and, eventually, his life with dialysis.

He said, “[During 2006] I was in a relationship that was looking more and more like it was headed towards marriage.” That relationship would end after his diagnosis. That year was also his first year of graduate school. Dialysis did not start until the summer of 2013, he said.

“Most people heading into their 30s are heading into careers or families, and I was thinking about this,” he said.

Skipping ahead to 2015, he wrote in a recent e-mail: “I’m pretty sure there aren’t a whole lot of 30-something professionals trying to balance work/life and dialysis.” Aside from a daily routine that includes his at-home dialysis treatments and management, he is also on an organ donor waiting list through Yale New Haven Hospital.

He described dialysis as a “chronic burden that involves constant doctor checkups, nightly rituals, and makes something as simple as visiting my sister’s house in Durham a huge chore.” While he said he has “been very hesitant to talk about any of this” to date, “very few people have come forth to donate and none of them have been a good match.” Unless he finds a donor sooner, he is looking at a wait of roughly two years on Yale’s list.

But Mr Vastarelli also has reason for inspiration. His stepfather Herb Rosenthal’s friend Kevin Cragin “was in a similar predicament” roughly ten years ago, Mr Vastarelli recalls. He remembered that Mr Cragin was on dialysis. Mr Cragin had placed a notice in The Bee and “It ended up finding its way to one of his acquaintances who turned out to be a perfect match.” He wondered if The Beecould also work for him.

“If anything, it’s very comforting to see someone who’s gone through what I’m going through and safely made it to the other side. That’s really all I want here; to be able to live a normal life like everyone else.”

A brief phone call to Mr Cragin this month confirmed that yes, he had placed an ad in The Bee regarding his condition, for reasons including clarification of what people around town had heard. A friend he grew up with learned of his illness, and this friend turned out to be a perfect match, he said. Today, roughly a decade after his transplant, Mr Cragin said, “It’s true” that pursuing a normal life afterward is possible.

Regarding Mr Vastarelli, Mr Cragin said, “He is young, has his life ahead, relationships, friends — it’s what life is all about.” After finding a transplant, he “can live a normal life.”

Throughout the process, Mr Cragin said, “You need friends, acquaintances to help, and it puts your faith back — everyone wants to help; it’s super.”


Michael Vastarelli’s Story

Mr Vastarelli learned from his doctor in 2006, that he was “a little anemic,” he said. Concerned with some “irregular” test results, his doctor had sent him to a specialist.

Soon, small details such as hearing problems and a recent eye procedure proved to be tell-tale signs of a problem, which the specialist recognized. “I’ve always had hearing loss, and never knew why,” he said. And, Mr Vastarelli had eye surgery to correct the results of a condition that left his eyes feeling gritty. “Imagine smoke from a campfire in your eyes when you wake up,” he said.

He had asked his girlfriend to accompany him to his appointment with the specialist. “I was nervous,” he said. Noting the eye problems, the doctor then asked Mr Vastarelli about hearing loss, which he had not mentioned to the doctor. “That’s when I got nervous,” he said.

“A couple of biopsies later,” he learned he had a hereditary condition called Alport syndrome, which according to alportsyndrome.org is an inherited disease of the kidney that can also affect the inner ear (cochlea) and eye. It is caused by genetic mutations that affect a collagen family of proteins. Collagen is a major part of important tissue membranes that are present in all tissues, including the kidney, inner ear, and eye.

Thinking about those initial days, he said, “I did some reading; there are a lot more people with kidney disease than you know and there are no outward symptoms — things you would attribute to something else, but doctors can pick up easily with routine tests.”

Still sipping at his tea while Cookie finished her treat, Mr Vastarelli tried to explain the problems with his kidneys. He said the disease creates scar tissue and the kidneys won’t filter properly. “They leak a lot of protein,” he said.

“When the doctor first described it, he said there was no cure,” and had then told him he had three to five years. “I took that to mean years to live,” Mr Vastarelli said.

“No, no, no,” the doctor told him, then clarified that the kidneys had three to five years. His girlfriend at the time had done some research and Mr Vastarelli remembers asking her, “Is this a death sentence? She said no.”

He then considered his past years spent managing his condition and the dialysis. “You have to be careful about diet, and the list goes on and on,” he said. “There was a specter of death that hung over me.”

Medically speaking, life was “not without drama,” he said.

Mr Vastarelli set his tea aside and skipped again to the story’s beginning: “To go back, the relationship…I was feeling like things [relationship, life, career] were coming together, but that’s when the relationship derailed.” Since then, dating has been “tricky,” he said.

He will “let a person in,” but can also understand that “to some, it’s a bombshell,” most notably to the woman he had been dating at the time, he said.

Describing in technical detail the things going wrong with his kidneys, how dialysis works, and the forms of treatment, he then talked about his particular method of managing his situation. He has a “nightly ritual” with a cycling machine for drawing toxins from his body. To explain how this works, Mr Vastarelli said, “Imagine you poured sugar on a bowl of fruit. The sugar would ‘leech’ water from the fruit through osmosis. Dialysis works the same way. The sugar in the solution draws water out of my body and along with it, toxins. The cycler continually flushes water out of my abdomen so that this ‘osmosis’ happens continuously 24/7.” His particular method of dialysis is “a continuous process so I never feel ‘sick’ from treatments,” he said.

The “cycler” is nice, and takes just a few minutes to set up. He hooks his catheter to it at night, attaches, and the machine does the work of bringing fluids into his body and flushing the toxins out through another tube.


The Trouble With Travel

Taking weekend trips to Durham to visit his sister or take a week’s vacation, for example, is “a big deal. I have to lug the cycler with me.”

He mentioned that a friend wanted him to go to Utah for a week, which “would take a lot of planning.” Going to Vermont for a night to go skiing would require permission from his doctor. He would need extra dialysis before and after due to skipping one night. “So, it’s a nuisance. Logistics are tough to deal with.”

Also, arranging to travel and coordinating with the company that provides his dialysis supplies is complicated. “Right now I sort of feel like I’m in a holding pattern, unable to really move until I’m free from dialysis. It’s the same thing with family. I’d really like to go visit my father in Florida — especially after this winter— but coordinating getting supplies there is a huge hassle.”

What is life like with dialysis and the need for a transplant? “It’s always on your mind, you’re always thinking about it.” He said, “What happens when you get to a point when things fail?”

Registering for a transplant is also “not a cure,” he said. “It’s management.” A transplant also has its risks of rejection, infection, and more.

Changes entered his life after the diagnosis.

Psychologically? “Prognosis is good, but you think and wonder if you’ll survive.” He said again that “it’s a specter over your shoulder,” always on his mind with “everything I do, every decision. It’s always a factor.”

Relationships? It has a big effect, he said. “They’re tough.” If he just meets someone, should he tell them about his condition before there is any “emotional investment?” He also can’t “wait too long — it’s delicate.”

He said he hears people now “complain about little things, and I think, ‘I wish those were my problems.’” He believes, too, that he has “adjusted to what’s going on.”

His situations is “a chronic nuisance — it’s never ending.” He has frequent doctor’s visits, and a nurse. “That’s what happens when you’re on life-sustaining therapy, you get a direct line to them.”

Mr Vastarelli’s advice? “Many cases — but not mine — of kidney failure can be avoided with routine checkups.”

Anyone wishing to talk with Mr Vastarelli about the possibility of being tested as a good match for a kidney donor should e-mail him at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


REDUCE-HTN: REINFORCE study of renal denervation system underway - Healio PDF Print

Boston Scientific has begun enrollment of the REDUCE-HTN: REINFORCE study, which will evaluate the efficacy and safety of renal denervation in patients with hypertension, according to a press release.

The randomized, sham-controlled, multicenter study will assess the Vessix Renal Denervation System in 100 patients.

The system incorporates a multielectrode bipolar catheter intended to reduce procedural variability. The device has an over-the-wire, balloon-based approach and a treatment time of 30 seconds, according to the release.

The primary endpoint is mean reduction in 24-hour ambulatory systolic BP at 8 weeks following randomization. Prior to enrollment, all patients will have a 4-week washout period during which all antihypertensive therapies will be discontinued. The goal of the study design is to reduce the influence of factors that may have influenced the results of a competitive technology trial conducted last year, according to the release.

Michael Weber

Michael Weber

"Previous results of renal denervation studies have been affected by a focus on patients with the difficult-to-define condition of treatment-resistant hypertension, made even more complex by uncertainties regarding their use of hypertension medications," co-principal investigator Michael Weber, MD, professor of medicine at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine in Brooklyn, New York, and Cardiology TodayEditorial Board member, said in the release. "We need to find clarity, and we believe this innovative study design will enable us to do so."

The company anticipates initial results during the first half of 2016. The Vessix system is an investigational device in the U.S., but has received a CE Mark and Australian TGA approval and is available in Australia, Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand and some markets in Asia, according to the release.

Disclosure: Weber reports consulting for Boston Scientific.


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