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P-D Click Peritoneal Dialysis Belt PDF Print
If you're a peritoneal dialysis user you will be only too familiar with the difficulties surrounding supporting the weight of the tube running directly from the catheter. The weight tends to stretch the opening into your body, creating a potential vehicle for infections, the last thing you want.  In fact it's estimated that 20% of peritoneal dialysis infections enter the body this way, creating painful infections which are worrying and expensive to treat.

P-D Click Peritoneal Security Comfort Belt

Supports your peritoneal dialysis tubing

P-D Click is designed to keep the tubing in the optimum position for you.  It works with all current peritoneal systems, including "Fresenius" and "Baxter" types.  Basically the tubing "Clicks" onto an adjustable, comfortable belt which you wear around your waist.  The belt fabric has a gentle elasticated stretch, fitting your comfortably and securely.

Developed by Henry Marlow, a peritoneal dialysis user

P-D Click was developed by a peritoneal dialysis user, Henry Marlow.  He was frustrated at the advice to simply use a plaster which interfered with his quality of life and made his skin sore.  His engineering background was put to good use in coming up with a great but simple solution.

So, the reason for developing the P-D Click aid was due to the present NHS system of supplying patients with only a plaster to retain the extension tube leading from the catheter, which I found at first hand was not really suitable”  Harry Marlow.


It's ideal to have two belts so that you can use one in the shower to carry the weight of the tube, clean around the tube and yourself without P-D Clickdiagramworrying where the free tube is and risking catching it on something.  Then you dry off and switch to the dry belt, leaving the wet one to dry ready for use the next day.


The belts cost just £21.98 + postage and packaging for a pack of 2 and can be delivered anywhere in the world, we're thrilled to feature products like this that really help dialysis users on Global Dialysis.

To purchase please follow this link P-D Click Purchase

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User review

Dear Sirs,
Having continued with PD for over one year now, I believe it is the use of the PD click belt that has prevented any problems. The belt is  comfortable and it ensures thar the catheter is kept free of the groin area. When the catheter is changed the nurses always comment on its perfect condition. We have highly recommended it to the PD staff at Brighton and hope you will have many more customers.  Whilst the aseptic techniques advocated are useful in preventing complications, I firmly believe that cleaning the outside of the catheter with antiseptic spray and then securing it  in the belt, is a more important protocol to prevent infection.
Thank you for your wonderful invention. Kind regards, Ahmed Al-Ghani
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