Francis Quinn

Francis Quinn

Hi, I'm Francis and from Ireland and have been a dialysis patient twice in my life once in 1989 for 2 year and now again from 2009. I've done both forms of dialysis. Now am on the road to doing home dialysis. I've also had dialysis abroad in a dialysis center an intend on going on holiday this year again. I work 5 days a week as a Software Developer and mostly work in the office but i can also work from home. I really like my Independence's so for me being on dialysis does not restrict my life because i don'tt let it. I hope, to share my experiences of moving from hospital dialysis to home dialysis. I hope this will help to inform other to make the decision i did on moving from hospital dialysis to home dialysis and show it's not so scary Francis.

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Wednesday, 26 January 2011 15:12

Last 2 sessions First Stock Delivery Expected

Last 2 sessions & First Stock Delivery Expected

Were as the time gone there is only 2 more session left for me before i move home. But allot has been going on in the back ground to prepare for me to be able to do dialysis at home.

Just to recap and what you'll be expecting before you move home.

1. You'll get your bins, 1 big out side bin , 6 small bins & yellow bags
2. Stock, you'll receive your first order this should last you 3,4 weeks.
3. Dialysis machine you'll be getting this when you move from the hospital to home.
4. Chair.  you'll be getting this when you move from the hospital to home.
5. Table
6. Stacking Trolley

Am expecting all my stock tomorrow so I'll be able to update you on how much there is. And what space you'll need for it.


Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:38

Home hemodialysis The count down begins now.

Home hemodialysis The count down begins now.

Hi this blog is going to be updated daily for people to see what’s involved in setting up of Home hemodialysis in your own home. The count down begins now.

My main objectives on this blog are to keep thing simple and give people the information they need first hand.

My Background.

I've been on dialysis twice in my 33 years once when i was 10 for 18 months which i was on at home on a home peritoneal dialysis machine which I used myself. After 18 years of a transplant i got IgA again and am now back on treatment again. This time I learnt how to use the Machine in Hospital and now want to bring hemodialysis home to my house. Which now also involves learning how to use the new hemodialysis machine and this is what the blog will be about along with the setting up of the room and who's involved personal wise


Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:44

The Button Hole Technique

The Button Hole Technique

Hi again, just to get you up-to-date on what needs to happen if you decide to go on home haemodialysis.  It may be different to everyone, but in my case I had to go on a technique call the button hole for more info on this technique see the following link i hope to upload some pictures of my buttonhole so you can see what it looks like after a year or so been on it.


Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:37

The House and Room

The House and Room

When you decide to go on home dialysis you’ll most likely need a spare room unless you prefer to have you machine in the the living room which i would not suggest. So a spare room is the best option my room is about 7ft by 11ft which is the perfect size for everything apart from stock so you’ll need to have some spare space for it also.

Initial home visit by Nurse & Baxter.

The initial visit is by the dialysis nurse and baxter the medical company who’ll convert the room and do the water treatment system for you they also supply the machine and most of the stock. During this visit  they’ll take some water samples measure the room and plan what needs to be done. My room will need 2 days work while this work is been carried out I’ll keep you all updated. Seems like allot of work but it’s not really , just put in the water system, electric work and shower tray for the dialysis machine to sit on so some plumbing but again each room will be different.


Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:37



Monday 3rd was my first session on the new machine.
The first thing I was taught how to wash my hands properly and to take my weight important to note to either leave shoes on or take them off but please be consistent. The machine was already prepare for me. I cleaned the trolley and then open my connection and disconnection packs to have them ready. I was also given proper instruction on how to clean fistula before and after I’ve removed the scab from the button hole. One thing you’ll learn is that you must follow the rules of clean you fistula it’s your life line when you’re on dialysis so if you follow the nurses instruction you’ll be fine.
I was then showing how to start the machine and get it ready for priming this normally takes about 30 minutes but you’ll be putting in your needles while it’s running through its test and priming.
I then connected myself up and was then showing how to set the UF, Pump speed and Blood Flow and to take my blood pressure before starting. I then started. During the session the nurse when through the User interface with me and showed me what each of the functions are for it can be a bit much on the first day but you’ll soon learn it as there is plenty of time..


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